Community / Land projects / Gobernanza Territorial Indgena para el Desarrollo Autodeterminado y la Accin Climtica
Gobernanza Territorial Indgena para el Desarrollo Autodeterminado y la Accin Climtica
10/20 - 03/24
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With Paraguays Atlantic Forest facing extinction from deforestation and devastating fires, preserving and restoring forest reserves on indigenous lands has become critical. The Mby Guaran community faces ongoing incursions on its constitutionally-granted lands in the Atlantic Forest of the Upper Paran. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic contraction have further increased the pressure on Indigenous Paraguayans to diversify their economic activities while maintaining a sustainable approach to land management. The Federacin para la Autodeterminacin de los Pueblos Indgenas (FAPI) is an association of Paraguayan Indigenous groups that advocates for their territorial rights and supports communities to identify sustainable approaches to managing their territory. At the IAF, we support community-led approaches to improving environmental management and strengthening local governance. FAPI will support local Mby Guaran groups to develop and implement a land management plan to protect against forest fires and promote their territorial autonomy.