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Countries Sudáfrica related News


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3 Enero 2019
Date: 2 janvier 2019 Source: Par: Baye Bacar NDAO Pour l’ancien président sud-africain, les réformes foncières dont les expropriations sans indemnisation sont nécessaires. Jacob Zuma estime que c’est un début de solution à la pauvreté qui frappe la Nation arc-en-ciel. Il n’est…
2 Enero 2019
Secure land rights can help improve food security, limit deforestation and tackle climate change, activists say BANGKOK - The fight over land and resources was bloody in 2018, with governments from Brazil to the Philippines accused of failing to protect campaigners, and indigenous people battling…
2 Enero 2019
The revised draft bill, which gives the minister of public works the power to accept or reject compensation offers made by the owners of land that has been identified for expropriation, was published in the Government Gazette on 21 December 2018 after it’s publication for further comment was…
17 Diciembre 2018
Eles protestam contra o governo por expropriar terras, sem compensação, para devolvê-las aos negros, e denunciam assassinato em massa de fazendeiros. Para eles, fenômeno é uma 'retaliação violenta' à segregação racial. Vinte e quatro anos depois do fim do regime de segregação racial do apartheid, o…
14 Diciembre 2018
As part of Women's Month and the centenary of Mama Albertina Sisulu, the Department of Social Development will today launch a women empowerment project at Mawewe Tribal Authority in Mgobodi village, Mpumalanga. The project aims to empower and secure the livelihoods and rights of women living in…
6 Diciembre 2018
South African lawmakers have agreed to amend the law, making way for land expropriation without compensation. Most of the land is still in the hands of the white minority, traditional leaders and South Africa's elite. South Africa's National Assembly has given the green light to change the…
27 Noviembre 2018
The Joint Constitutional Review Committee has now adopted a resolution that Section 25 of the Constitution be amended to allow expropriation without compensation. If undertaken correctly structural change in the architecture of the legislation and its institutions, as proposed by the High Level…
13 Noviembre 2018
The Lesetlheng community’s victory against mining interests signals a start to the recognition of land rights of which SA’s oppressed people had been deprived for generations The judgment recently handed down by the Constitutional Court in Maledu and Others vs Itereleng Bakgatla Mineral Resources…
8 Noviembre 2018
Politics trumps policy in the push for a constitutional amendment to expressly allow land expropriation without compensation. That much became clear at Thursday’s bruising and at times chaotic meeting of Parliament’s constitutional review committee. But in the world of politics it’s not necessarily…
6 Noviembre 2018
Five years ago people were evicted from their shacks in Durban to make way for housing for members of the African National Congress DURBAN, South Africa - Five years ago Ndabo Mzimela was evicted from a cramped backyard shack in Durban to make way for the construction of subsidised government…
26 Octubre 2018
A Constitutional Court ruling on Thursday has fundamentally changed the power balance between mining companies and communities. The court upheld the Lesethleng community’s land tenure rights, meaning companies will no longer simply be able to evict occupants of the land they want to mine. …
23 Octubre 2018
A reforma agrária na África do Sul está a tornar-se um assunto cada vez mais polémico, com grupos de extrema direita, em nome da minoria afrikander, a protagonizarem acções de sabotagem que podem levar a uma guerra racial no país, sobretudo desde Agosto último, quando o canal norte-ameriano Fox…