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Countries Sudáfrica related News


Displaying 169 - 180 of 222
23 Mayo 2017
  Frustrated over the pace of housing delivery and poor living conditions in informal settlements in South Africa, a group of people from informal settlements in Tshwane municipality in May gathered to protest poor, overcrowded living conditions. They also demand resettlement, after attempts to…
14 Abril 2017
Putting land at the heart of radical economic transformation – a perspective from the ground The dominant debates about land in South Africa often focus on the transfer of land from a few white hands to the black majority. The discussion seldom unpacks who constitutes the “black majority” as this…
13 Abril 2017
  The dominant debates about land in South Africa often focus on the transfer of land from a few white hands to the black majority. The discussion seldom unpacks who constitutes the “black majority” as this is not a homogeneous group. In instances where the debate touches on land use, again the…
6 Abril 2017
    Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma calls for ’clever’ lobbying if the ANC wants to amend the Constitution to allow expropriation of land without compensation The ANC must "be clever" about lobbying other parties if it wants to amend the Constitution to allow for expropriation of land without compensation,…
21 Marzo 2017
Date: 21 mars 2017 Source: Agence Ecofin Par Souha Touré Le gouvernement sud-africain a publié vendredi dans le Government Gazette un projet de loi visant à interdire aux étrangers l’accès à la propriété foncière agricole. Intitulé « Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill », ledit…
15 Marzo 2017
The national conversation about land, always simmering in South Africa, has come to the boil again. What’s often missing is a voice for the unrepresented party – the land. I’d like to be that voice. The arguments are always over the land, but seldom about what it needs to remain healthy and…
6 Marzo 2017
Date: 06 mars 2017 Source: Sputnik Le président sud-africain Jacob Zuma nourrit l’idée de modifier la Constitution afin de confisquer les terres de tous les propriétaires fonciers blancs d’Afrique du Sud. Les descendants de fermiers européens ont pris ce projet très au sérieux et redoutent un «…
5 Febrero 2017
Date: 5 February 2017 Source: Independent Online At stake are the rights of 18 million rural South Africans who are at risk of becoming subjects of traditional leaders and their councils writes Daniel Huizenga. The Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill currently before Parliament gives…
8 Marzo 2013
Smallholder farmers in Hessequa Municipality in the Western Cape, South Africa, have insufficient land, equipment, and other resources for livestock farming and crop production. Multi-stakeholder collaboration is important to address these challenges. Video:…
The prime objective of Nigeria's new housing policy is to “ensure that all Nigerians own or have access to decent, safe and sanitary housing in healthy environment with infrastructural services at affordable cost, with secure tenure”.…
Mujeres Ixil Maya escuchan el histórico juicio contra el dictador guatemalteco José Efraín Ríos Montt - - - El caso de Sudáfrica Después de casi medio siglo de vigencia, en 1994 se derribó el aparato jurídico que le daba sustento a las prácticas racistas del apartheid en Sudáfrica. El proceso…
El presidente sudafricano, Jacob Zuma, durante su discurso del Estado de la NAción, el pasado 17 de junio - - - El ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Distribución de Tierras de Sudáfrica ha publicado recientemente su plan para la redistribución de las explotaciones comerciales agrarias en el país…