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Manual for the Open Upstream Gas and LNG Model

Manuals & Guidelines
Mayo, 2017

This manual has been developed for training purposes. It models the gas value chain from the upstream project to the use of gas under the form of LPG, LNG or as feedstock for local industrial or power generation uses. It allows users to assess different LNG structures that can be considered when producing LNG (see section 2 for an explanation of each structure). It provides various fiscal regime options for the upstream and mid-stream sectors to understand the impacts of changes on the government take and the private sector returns.

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

Reports & Research
Abril, 2017

London Mining Network is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups working in support of communities around the world who are badly affected by mining companies based in, or financed from, London.

One such company is Antofagasta plc, one of the larger mining companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The majority of its operations are in Chile. The most significant shareholders in Antofagasta are members of the Luksic family, a wealthy Chilean family which is also involved in a number of other businesses.

After the Boom: Responding to Falling Rubber Prices in Northern Laos

Reports & Research
Abril, 2017

Rubber prices in northern Laos have fallen significantly over the last few years, eroding much of the initial enthusiasm of both farmers and government officials about rubber providing a way out of poverty for poor upland farmers. This thematic study examines responses to this price drop by Lao rubber growers and state institutions in northern Laos. It also examines the reasons that prices are what they are, given that price volatility was identified as a risk during the mid-2000s, and that in at least some cases, steps were taken to protect contract farmers from falling prices.

Analyse globale des conversions des forêts par les grands investissements en République gabonaise

Reports & Research
Abril, 2017

La forêt gabonaise couvre près de 85% de la superficie du pays (Richard et Léonard, 1993). Comprenant différents types d’écosystèmes, on y trouve aussi bien des mangroves que des forêts côtières, forêts marécageuses, forêts denses de plaine et de montagne, mosaïque forêt/savane, savanes, fleuves, deltas, lagunes. La flore et la faune y présentent une grande richesse avec un taux d’endémisme végétal exceptionnel.

A Guide to Gender Impact Assessment for the Extractive Industries

Manuals & Guidelines
Marzo, 2017

This guide provides information for companies in the mining, oil and gas sector - and their consultants - on how to undertake a gender impact assessment to gain and maintain a “social licence to operate” with impacted communities and avoid conflict and costly shut-downs. It

• describes some important principles and approaches that should underpin a gender impact assessment,

• provides a framework for companies to identify, understand and respond to the gender impacts of an extractive industry project, and

• outlines some key concepts, definitions and case studies.

A Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2017

This paper provides guidance on how to conduct collaborative and participatory risk assessments, paying attention to the human rights of project-affected people. It was written for stakeholders who seek more effective strategies for investigating the human rights impacts of business projects or operations, and who wish to make their human rights impact assessments more inclusive and responsive, or who seek to encourage greater buy-in from other stakeholders.

Briefing Note: A Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2017

This briefing note, co-authored with the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Sciences Po Law School Clinic, outlines a new approach to conducting human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) of business operations or projects, which brings together project-affected people, the company, and other stakeholders to jointly design and implement an assessment.

Logging, Mining, And Agricultural Concessions Data Transparency: A Survey Of 14 Forested Countries

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2017
República Democrática del Congo
Papua Nueva Guinea

Global demand for timber, agricultural commodities, and extractives is a significant driver of deforestation worldwide. Transparent land-concessions data for these large-scale commercial activities are essential to understand drivers of forest loss, monitor environmental impacts of ongoing activities, and ensure efficient and sustainable allocation of land.

3 - Choosing Appropriate Business Models - Responsible Agricultural Investment (RAI): Knowledge into Action Notes series

Manuals & Guidelines
Febrero, 2017

This note is part of an Action Notes series and provides guidance for governments and companies on how to design business models for responsible agricultural investment. It outlines the general types of models available and the considerations for selecting and/or designing a blended model to suit the context of the investment.