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Temporary transfers of land and risk-coping mechanisms in Thailand

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

This paper uses data collected in Thailand among permanent rural-urban migrants to analyse the motivations in land temporary transfers such as free loans or rentals. Land transfers are here looked at in a continuum and categorized according to three characteristics: the nature of the relationship between the parties of the exchange, the monetary nature of the payment as well as its explicit or imlicit nature. This methodology allows a richer typology than traditionnally used in empiric literature, and distinguishes between various loans that are not always free.

Property Rights and Labour Supply in Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

In rural areas agricultural plots are seldom delineated and can be encroached upon by neighbours. Under these circumstances labour supply can be inefficiently distorted to safeguard the plots from encroachment. Using panel data, we study the variation of household labour supply following a land registration programme which has demarcated agricultural landholdings with cornerstones and has issued a documentary evidence of the household land rights.

Implikasi Penguasaan Lahan Komunal pada Pohon dalam Sistem Agroforestri: Studi kasus di Sumatera Barat

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

Agroforestry as a model of community-based forest management generally does not develop and is mostly in the form of traditional management. In West Sumatra, sustainability relates to the status of land tenure as communal property (communal land). Communal interests that appear on the communal rights to land and trees are able to direct the management of agroforestry to be sustained. Lack of security of land tenure does not affect the appearance of agroforestry, but the level of management or management of land use is more important for the purpose.

Dinamika kelembagaan Penguasaan lahan Komunal pada Sistem Agroforstri: Studi Kasus di Tiga Nagari di Sumatera Barat

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018
United States of America

Agroforestry as a people base forest management commonly not well developed and almost in a traditional management. The most problem in West Sumatera concern to land tenure status as communal property (ulayat land). The need of clearly land tenure mechanism will support this system for sustainable land use. The less security of land tenure do not affect to agroforestry performance, but the management of land use is more important to that effect

Kelembagaan Penguasaan lahan Komunal pada Sistem Agroforestri di Sumatera Barat

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018
United States of America

Agroforestry as a people base forest management commonly not well developed and almost in a traditional management. The most problem in West Sumatera concern to land tenure status as communal property (ulayat land). The need of clearly land tenure mechanism will support this system for sustainable land use. The less security of land tenure do not affect to agroforestry performance, but the management of land use is more important to that effect

Sistem Penguasaan Tanah dan Pohon untuk memperbaiki Pengelolaan Agroforestri di Sumatera Barat

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

Planting trees on public lands are often considered unsustainable due to the rights of individuals arc weak. Therefore it is important to know the individuals tree rights to promote tree planting. The study aims to conceptualize tree tenure system to encourage better management of agroforestry at the farm level. The result showed variation on tree tenure rights can be separated from land tenure rights, but attached to a custom or habit which is a local setting (customary).

Jaminan Penguasaan Pohon (Tree Tenure Security) untuk mendorong Penanaman Pohon di Lahan Masyarakat: Studi Kasus di Sumatera Barat

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

Tree planting on public lands is often hampered due to low or no security of tree tenure rights. Uncertainly over who will take advantage of tree crop will make a reluctance in the planting of trees. This study aimed to observe the tree tenure security in the traditional agroforestry systems in West Sumatra. The results showed different tree tenure security across the study area, where the collateral is determined by the degree of clarity of the rule of local institutions. This has an impact on the selection of tree species and patterns of agroforestry.

The Community Land Act in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

Kenya is the most recent African state to acknowledge customary tenure as producing lawful property rights, not merely rights of occupation and use on government or public lands. This paper researches this new legal environment. This promises land security for 6 to 10 million Kenyans, most of who are members of pastoral or other poorer rural communities. Analysis is prefaced with substantial background on legal trends continentally, but the focus is on Kenya’s Community Land Act, 2016, as the framework through which customary holdings are to be identified and registered.

Participação e Protagonismo das Mulheres no Território da Cidadania da Baixada Cuiabana

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017
América del Sur

As reflexões e discussões contidas neste artigo são oriundas de ações realizadas no projeto “Interface entre extensão e pesquisa no acompanhamento de empreendimentos econômicos e solidários em comunidades tradicionais e áreas de quilombo no território da Cidadania na Baixada Cuiabana MT”.

Tackle tenure issues in informal settlements

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

Four years ago, I was part of a research team looking at access to land and basic services in informal settlements.

We conducted field interviews in Mukuru slums in Eastlands. We were amazed at the levels of development in the area. People were constructing permanent structures despite the fact that they were under the impression that informal settlements are characterised by temporary structures.

Four years later, there are ongoing discussions to address the plight of informal settlements. A fundamental starting point is to address issues of tenure security.