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World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States : An Independent Evaluation

Febrero, 2014

Fragile and conflict-affected states (FCS) have become an important focus of World Bank Group assistance in recent years as recognition of the linkages between fragility, conflict, violence, and poverty has grown. Addressing issues of recurring conflict and political violence and helping build legitimate and accountable state institutions are central to the Bank Group's poverty reduction mission. This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of World Bank Group country strategies and assistance programs to FCS.

Uncovering Dominant Land-Cover Patterns of Quebec: Representative Landscapes, Spatial Clusters, and Fences

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2013

Mapping large areas for planning and conservation is a challenge undergoing rapid transformation. For centuries, the creation of broad-extent maps was the near-exclusive domain of expert specialist cartographers, who painstakingly delineated regions of relative homogeneity with respect to a given set of criteria. In the satellite era, it has become possible to rapidly create and update categorizations of Earth’s surface with improved speed and flexibility. Land cover datasets and landscape metrics offer a vast set of information for viewing and quantifying land cover across large areas.

Breaking the Conflict Trap : Civil War and Development Policy

Junio, 2013

Most wars are now civil wars. Even
though international wars attract enormous global attention,
they have become infrequent and brief. Civil wars usually
attract less attention, but they have become increasingly
common and typically go on for years. This report argues
that civil war is now an important issue for development.
War retards development, but conversely, development retards
war. This double causation gives rise to virtuous and

Managing the Marine and Coastal Environment of Sub-Saharan Africa : Strategic Directions for Sustainable Development

Junio, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa

The trends toward ecosystem degradation
and social change are affecting coastal areas around the
world, not least in Sub-Saharan Africa. The crisis affecting
this region's coastal and marine areas requires an
urgent and resolute response from the global community. This
report details the challenges facing coastal and marine
environments in Sub-Saharan Africa. It describes the World
Bank's strategy for supporting sustainable development

Mining Community Development Agreements : Source Book

Manuals & Guidelines
Marzo, 2013

The aim of this document is to support strategic and collaborative community development planning by governments, companies, civil society, and communities by presenting a basic framework for Community Development Agreements in the context of the mining industry. In particular, this document is a tool for governments and policymakers at all levels, as they strive to support their communities—economically and socially—through the sustainable development of mineral resources.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Road to Europe : Annex 1. Primary and Secondary Roads - A Foundation for Private Sector Led Growth

Febrero, 2013

This report highlights deficiencies and
indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
development of a transport system, and an institutional
framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

Rethinking Forest Partnerships and Benefit Sharing : Insights on Factors and Context that Make Collaborative Arrangements Work for Communities and Landowners

Febrero, 2013

Forest-sector collaborative arrangements
come in many forms. The local partner may be a community, an
association, or a set of individual landholders. The outside
partner may be a private organization or a government. The
interest of the local partner may be production of income
from the forest, security of access to land, increased labor
or small business opportunities, protection of traditionally
valued resources, or other values. The interest of the

West Bank and Gaza - Transport Sector Strategy Note

Febrero, 2013

The purpose of this Transport Sector
Note (TSN) is to assist the Palestinian Authority (PA) in
developing a strategy for the sector that can aid in
addressing the immediate constraints and transport issues in
support of the PA's effort to revive the national
economy, improve mobility and reduce poverty. The TSN also
aims to assist the responsible sector ministries prepare a
coherent strategic framework and program for the sector.

The County Governments Act, 2012

Legislation & Policies
Octubre, 2012


Date of assent: 24th July, 2012.

Date of commencement: See Section 1.

An Act of Parliament to give effect to Chapter Eleven of the Constitution; to provide for county governments' powers, functions and responsibilities to deliver services and for connected purpose

Conflict and Development : Lessons from South Asia

Agosto, 2012

South Asia is the second most violent
place on earth after Iraq. Conflicts in Afghanistan and
Pakistan have attracted global attention. Parts of India,
Sri Lanka, and Nepal have experienced long-running conflict.
Conflicts result in death, misery, social trauma,
destruction of infrastructure, and have huge spillover
effects. What is conflict? Where is it concentrated? Is
conflict a problem for development, or a failure of

Rethinking Collaborative Arrangements with Local Partners

Agosto, 2012

More forest area is being designated for
use by local communities and indigenous peoples. In a
growing number of countries legislation is being introduced
to ensure that local partners share in the benefits of
forest operations and participate as active stakeholders in
the sustainable use of forest resources. Private sector
investment in the forest sector is increasing as well. For
businesses in an expanding range of investment settings,

Ghana - Kanye Ndu Bowi : An Indigenous Philosophical Context for Conflict Management

Agosto, 2012

This article intends to summarize
findings from a study carried out by the author between the
winter of 1995 and spring of 1996 among the Buems on the
Ghana side of the Ghana-Togo border. The objective in this
paper is to identify and discuss the main philosophical
contexts within which the indigenous Buem conflict
management system operates. The paper also assesses the
relevance of these principles to the management of modern