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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 17.
  1. Library Resource
    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act establishes the National Land Fund with the purpose of: a reasonable management of state-owned arable lands, promoting ecological agricultural production and economic efficiency, and creating a modern landed property structure based on family farms. Property rights in regard of the Fund are exercised by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. He has to report annually to the Parliament on the situation of the Fund and of the managing organization.

  2. Library Resource
    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    Ensuring the protection against flood, and thus planning, regulating, organizing, governing, controlling of flood preventive activities, through the construction, development, maintenance and operation of protective waterworks (mainly reservoirs and canals) of non-local competence, shall be the duty of the State. This Act applies to the tasks and activities related to the re-development, planning, preparation and realization of the Vásárhelyi Plan (improvement of the capacity of water flow in the principal bed, creation and restoration of floodplain zones, etc.) .

  3. Library Resource
    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This is a comprehensive statute of forest management aiming to extend forests by reforestation, to produce good quality and competitive forest products; to contribute to soil conservation, water management and other useful purposes; to integrate hunting and wildlife management with the national economy. The Law differentiates between forests (for timber extraction, research purposes, protection forests and recreational forests, protected forests and for wildlife management purposes) and other woodlands whose surface area is less than half a hectare.

  4. Library Resource

    2012. �vi C. t�rv�ny a B�ntető T�rv�nyk�nyvről

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    Article 349 of the Penal Code addresses the illegal acquisition of property and use rights of agricultural and silvicultural land. Persons eluding legal restrictions or prohibitions may be punished with one to five years of imprisonment.

  5. Library Resource

    2013. évi CCXII. törvény a mező- és erdőgazdasági földek forgalmáról szóló 2013. évi CXXII. törvénnyel összefüggő egyes rendelkezésekről és átmeneti szabályokról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act is composed of 20 chapters and it is divided into 148 articles.

  6. Library Resource

    2014. évi VII. Törvény a termőföld tulajdonjogának megszerzését vagy használatát korlátozó jogszabályi rendelkezések kijátszására irányuló jogügyletek feltárásáról és megakadályozásáról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    The purpose of this Act is to discover legal transactions concluded in the past and intended to elude resctrictive legal provisons concerning the aquisition of property and use of agricultural land, to prevent legal effects related to such transactions and to put an end to the illigal status.

  7. Library Resource

    2013. évi CXXII. törvény a mező- és erdőgazdasági földek forgalmáról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act lays down rules regarding the acquisition of property rights of agricultural and forestry lands, the institution of usufruct right on such lands, the use of land, the control on restrictions relative to the acquisition of land, and rules regarding local land commissions. This Act applies to all land in the national territory.

  8. Library Resource

    2010. évi LXXXVII. törvény a Nemzeti Földalapról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act establishes the National Land Fund with the purpose of: a reasonable management of state-owned agricultural, forestry and other lands, promoting ecological agricultural production and economic efficiency, and creating a modern landed property structure based on family farms. Property rights in regard of the Fund are exercised by the Minister in charge of agriculture policy. The activity of the Fund is supervised by the State Audit Office.

  9. Library Resource

    2007. évi XVII. törvény a mezőgazdasági, agrár-vidékfejlesztési, valamint halászati támogatásokhoz és egyéb intézkedésekhez kapcsolódó eljárás egyes kérdéseiről

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act lays down the principles and the framework of institutions, information systems and proceedings in connection to national implementation of agricultural, rural development and fishery subsidies to be granted from European (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and European Fisheries Fund) and from national financial resources.

  10. Library Resource

    2007. évi CXXIX. törvény a termőföld védelméről

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act must be applied to land and to real estates classified other than land. It lays down provisions regarding land management, land protection and evaluation, and soil conservation. The provisions regarding land must be applied also to urban lands taken into agricultural or forestry production. This Act foresees the application of the land protection contribution in Articles 21-23 (amounts in Annex 1), of the land protection fee in Articles 24-25 (amounts in Annex 2).

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