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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 197.
  1. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2018

    In this paper, we explore how different norms around property rights affect the empowerment of women of different social positions over the life cycle. We first review the conceptual foundations of property, empowerment, and intersectionality, and then present the methodology and empirical findings from ethnographic field work in Nepal. Going beyond formal ownership of property, we look at changes in property rights over personal and joint property at different stages of women’s lives.

  2. Library Resource
    Conflict and mediation in high altitude rangeland property rights in Bhutan
    Documentos de conferencias e informes
    Julio, 2017

    Semi-nomadic yak herders of Bhutan depend on high altitude rangelands and yaks for their livelihoods. Conflicts over high altitude rangelands among herders can lead to sub-optimal management with negative impacts on the environment, livelihoods and socio-economic well-being of semi-nomadic yak herders.

  3. Library Resource
    Changes in Property Rights and Management of High-Elevation Rangelands in Bhutan: Implications for S
    Publicación revisada por pares
    Agosto, 2017

    Property rights and management regimes for high-elevation rangelands in Bhutan have evolved over centuries in response to environmental, cultural, and political imperatives. The 2007 Land Act of Bhutan aims to redress historical inequities in property rights by redistributing grazing leases to local livestock owners in a process known as rangeland nationalization.

  4. Library Resource
    Lessons Learned from Post-Earthquake Policy in Nepal

    Guidance for Further Housing, Land and Property Disaster and Reconstruction Law and Policy Reform

    Informes e investigaciones
    Abril, 2019

    Displacement Solutions was approached and commissioned by DFID to carry out research on the housing, land and property rights issues arising from the reconstruction process, with an emphasis on the planned relocation aspects thereof. Displacement Solutions undertook a three-person mission to Nepal in November 2018 during which time extensive interviews were carried out, field visits made, and film footage taken for the production of a short documentary film which has since been completed.

  5. Library Resource
    A Study Report on Analysis of Key Land Laws in Sri Lanka

    A special reference to Women and Community Land Rights

    Informes e investigaciones
    Octubre, 2017
    Sri Lanka

    Land is an imperative and crucial factor in the social, cultural and economic identity of the people in Sri Lanka due to the importance it has been given throughout our history. Moreover, the rights and interests over land are unequivocally and legally secured without any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, religious or ethnic lines for its peaceful enjoyment and for the economic development of the people and the country.

  6. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2003

    Poverty, property rights and distributional implications of community-based resource management have become major topics of discussion and debate in recent years. This study tries to examine the contribution of community forestry to household-level income with particular emphasis on group heterogeneity and equity in benefit distribution. The assessment of household level benefits suggests that poorer households are currently benefiting less in absolute terms from community forestry than less poor households.

  7. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2011

    For decades, efforts to distribute agricultural land more equitably consistently excluded women. Then, a groundbreaking research project made women part of the discussion. It set the stage for a provincial campaign that for the first time in Pakistan’s history transferred land to poor women.

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