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  1. Library Resource
    Ghana, África, África occidental

    This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons. The Act also places restrictions on the disposal of such estates and provides for registration of documents and the handling of claims. An interest in property which cannot by law be disposed of by testamentary disposition is not property for the purpose of this Act. The President shall appoint a suitable person to be the Administrator-General for the purposes of this Act. Administration of intestate estates may be granted by the court to the Administrator-General.

  2. Library Resource
    Documentos de política y resúmenes
    Enero, 2004
    Ghana, África occidental

    This study attempts to analyse changing patterns of land transfer and ownership, as well as school investments by gender over three generations in customary land areas of Ghana's Western Region. Traditional inheritance rules deny land ownership rights to women. Yet the increase in the demand for women's labour due to the expansion of labour intensive cocoa cultivation has created incentives for husbands to give their wives and children land. Through this and other gift mechanisms, women have increasingly acquired land, thereby reducing the gender gap in land ownership.

  3. Library Resource
    Enero, 2004
    Rwanda, Nigeria, Zambia, Sudáfrica, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Esuatini, Ghana, Senegal, Etiopía, África subsahariana

    In this report, the COHRE Women and Housing Rights Programme (WHRP) documents the fact that under both statutory and customary law, the overwhelming majority of women in sub-Saharan Africa (regardless of their marital status) cannot own or inherit land, housing and other property in their own right.

  4. Library Resource
    Documentos de política y resúmenes
    Diciembre, 1998
    África subsahariana, África, Ghana

    Land tenure institutions in customary land areas of Sub-Saharan Africa have been evolving towards individualized ownership. Communal land tenure institutions aim to achieve and preserve the equitable distribution of land (and hence, income) among community members. Uncultivated forestland is owned by the community or village, and as long as forest land is available, forest clearance of forest is easily approved by the village chief.

  5. Library Resource
    Convenciones internacionales o Tratados
    Enero, 1979
    Egipto, Libia, Marruecos, Sudán, Túnez, Burundi, Comoras, Djibouti, Eritrea, Etiopía, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauricio, Mozambique, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Camerún, República Centroafricana, Chad, Guinea Ecuatorial, Gabón, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Lesotho, Namibia, Sudáfrica, Esuatini, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Malí, Mauritania, Níger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Togo, Cuba, Dominica, República Dominicana, Granada, Haití, Jamaica, Saint Kitts y Nevis, Santa Lucía, Trinidad y Tabago, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Canadá, Estados Unidos de América, Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán, Uzbekistán, China, Japón, Mongolia, Camboya, Indonesia, Malasia, Myanmar, Filipinas, Tailandia, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam, India, Irán, Maldivas, Nepal, Pakistán, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordania, Kuwait, Líbano, Omán, Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Siria, Turquía, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Yemen, Bulgaria, República Checa, Hungría, Moldavia, Polonia, Rumania, Rusia, Eslovaquia, Ucrania, Dinamarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Islandia, Irlanda, Letonia, Lituania, Noruega, Suecia, Reino Unido, Croacia, Grecia, Italia, Macedonia del Norte, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Eslovenia, España, Francia, Alemania, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Nueva Zelandia, Fiji, Papua Nueva Guinea, Islas Salomón, Kiribati, Islas Marshall, Nauru, Palau, Islas Cook, Niue, Samoa, Tonga

    The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) - currently ratified by 187 countries - is the only human rights treaty that deals specifically with rural women (Art. 14). Adopted in 1979 by the United Nations Generally Assembly, entered into force in 1981. The Convention defines discrimination against women as follows:

  6. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2013

    Studies draw attention to gender inequalities in land tenure. While some insist that gender inequalities in land tenure exists others do not. This paper discusses a study that examined gender issues in customary land ownership in the Wa Municipality. It sought to understand and find ways of bridging the gender gaps, if any. A survey covering 151 respondents comprising Chiefs, Tendamba, women and family heads was undertaken. The research revealed significant disparities between men and women regarding access to and ownership of land.

  7. Library Resource
    Políticas Nacionales
    Ghana, África, África occidental

    The overall aim of the present Forestry Development Master Plan is to provide a basis for achieving sustainable utilization and development of forest and wildlife resources, modernization of the timber industry and conservation of the environment, and thereby ensure realization of the objectives of the Forest and Wildlife Policy. At the same time, the various proposals have had to take account of the need to improve the state of the environment, the complexities of land tenure and the importance of appropriate and efficient land use.

  8. Library Resource
    Políticas Nacionales
    Ghana, África, África occidental

    The overall aim of the present Forest and Wildlife Policy is the conservation and sustainable development of forest and wildlife resources for the maintenance of environmental stability and continuous flow of optimum benefits from the socio-cultural and economic goods and services that the forest environment provides to the present and future generations whilst fulfilling Ghana’s commitments under international agreements and conventions.

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