Resultados de la búsqueda | Land Portal

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 84.
  1. Library Resource

    Утверждено постановлением Правительства Республики Кыргызстан от 12 октября 1992 года N 502 ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ о порядке использования земель природоохранного, оздоровительного, рекреационного и историко-культурного назначения в Республике Кыргызстан (В...

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree regulates management of land under protected areas, recreational land and land of historical and cultural heritage. The aforesaid categories of land shall be covered by restrictions on economic activities that may have negative impact thereon. Land of protected areas and land of historical and cultural heritage shall be exonerated from payment of taxes and levies. Expropriation of land of protected areas, recreation and historical and cultural heritage for state and public needs shall be prohibited.

  2. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 15 февраля 2011 года №50 Об утверждении Временного положения о порядке определения и оформления границ земельного участка при многоквартирном жилом доме.

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree shall be applicable to land plots of pertaining to condominiums (common property of the members of condominiums). Land plot shall be established and legalized as property for each separate condominium. This Ministerial Decree contains calculation formula for land area based on the number of apartments in a given condominium.

  3. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 15 февраля 2011 года № 49 Об утверждении Правил государственной регистрации прав и обременений (ограничений) прав на недвижимое имущество и сделок с ним.

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the rules for state registration of rights and encumbrances to immovable property and transactions therewith. The following rights and encumbrances shall be subject to mandatory state registration: (a) ownership; (b) tenancy; (c) mortgage and encumbrances originating therefrom; (d) lease and sub-lease for the period of three years and over; (e) servitude; (f) use restrictions; (g) court decisions; (h) nature management activities listed by the Government; and (i) open-ended land tenure.

  4. Library Resource

    ПОРЯДОК ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ СТОИМОСТНОЙ ОЦЕНКИ (НОРМАТИВНОЙ ЦЕНЫ) ЗЕМЛИ СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННОГО НАЗНАЧЕНИЯ Утвержден постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от 4 февраля 2002 года N 47.

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of determination of value (standard price) of agricultural land used for setting start-up price for sale of land in private ownership, conclusion of mortgage contract and formalization of land based credit, compensation for expropriation of land and setting lease price. Standard price of agricultural land shall not include value of constructions and other objects of immovable property located thereon. The whole agricultural land area shall be subject to determination of standard price.

  5. Library Resource

    Типовоe положения об условиях и порядке предоставления в аренду земель Фонда перераспределения сельскохозяйственных угодий Одобрено постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от «18» Август 2001 г. № 461

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    The Ministerial Decree regards allotment in lease of agricultural land pertaining to the Special Fund of consisting of agricultural land (except for pastures) pertaining to public property. Allotment of the public agricultural land shall be carried out through tender. The winner of tender shall acquire the right to conclude lease contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of tender within ten days from conclusion of tender and legalization of its outcome.

  6. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 13 августа 2013 года № 458 Об утверждении Порядка определения стоимостной оценки (нормативной цены) лесных земель при возмещении убытков и потерь лесохозяйственного производства в случаях...

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of land valuation with a view of establishment of the cost of forest land for the purpose of compensation of damages in case of use of plots of forest land for purpose not related to forestry and, in particular due to land expropriation, provisional land occupation or restriction of land ownership rights of forest land plots. Cadastre valuation shall be performed in relation to: (a) forest land plots without edifices, roads and vegetation; and (b) forest stand growing on a plot of forest land.

  7. Library Resource

    Положение о порядке купли-продажи земельных участков сельскохозяйственного назначения Утверждено постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от “13” августа 2001 года № 427

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    Purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land shall be carried out by the owners. In case of purchase and sale by the third parties they must be in possession of notarized letter of authorization. Purchase and sale of public agricultural land shall be carried out through auction sale while private agricultural land shall be purchased and sold directly by agreement between vendor and buyer without any authorization. Maximum area of a single plot of agricultural land shall not exceed 50 hectares.

  8. Library Resource

    ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ о порядке купли-продажи земельных участков сельскохозяйственного назначения Утверждено постановлением Правительства Кыргызской Республики от 13 августа 2001 года N 427.

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree regulates purchase and sale of agricultural land pertaining to public and private ownership. Purchase and sale of the plots of land shall be carried by owners otherwise it can be carried out by third party in accordance with notarized letter of authority. Sale of agricultural land polluted with chemicals and radioactive substances exceeding maximum allowed limits shall be prohibited. Purposeful use of agricultural land after transaction shall be preserved along with existing servitude.

  9. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 12 июля 2013 года № 407 Об утверждении границ Государственного природного парка "Чон-Кемин".

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    The Government, with a view of rational management of natural resources, conservation of biological and landscape diversity, decrees to transfer reserve land with total land area of 1068 ha, to the category of protected areas allocating it to the national park “Chon-Kemin”. State environmental protection agency shall perform zoning of the aforesaid land area. This Ministerial Decree contains the description of total territory of the national park “Chon-Kemin”.

  10. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 1 июля 2013 года № 390 Об утверждении Положения о регистрационных испытаниях и государственной регистрации пестицидов и агрохимикатов в Кыргызской Республике.

    Rusia, Kirguistán, Asia, Asia central

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the rules and modalities for registration testing of pesticides and agrochemicals and shall be used as guidelines for developers, registration authority and scientific research institutions participating in registration testing of pesticides.

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