Resultados de la búsqueda | Land Portal

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 71.
  1. Library Resource
    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Decree applies to arable and, exceptionally, to uncultivated lands forming part of the state-owned propriety, which are managed by the Hungarian National Land Fund Company according to the principles of land tenure policy. The Company keeps an inventory of the assets of the Fund and determines the utilization of lands. There are detailed rules regarding the method and the content of data to be registered and the plan for the utilization of lands (sale or lease through tender).

  2. Library Resource

    191/2014. (VII. 31.) Korm. rendelet a mező- és erdőgazdasági hasznosítású földek végrehajtási, felszámolási vagy önkormányzati adósságrendezési eljárás keretében árverés útján történő értékesítésének szabályairól

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Decree lays down the rules of sale by auction of agricultural and forestry land which shall be sold as a consequence of execution or liquidation or municipal debt settlement preceedings.

  3. Library Resource

    68/2015. (III. 30.) Korm. rendelet a megyei kormányhivatalok mezőgazdasági feladatainak meghatározásáról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Decree states that the minister in charge of agricultural affairs shall excersise the powers of controlling and techical supervision of county governmental offices in respect of food-chain control, forestry, hunting, fishery, animal protection, wine production, plant production, soil protection, animal breeding, agricultural damage valuation and agricultural administration. The National Food-chain Safety Office shall contribute to the excersice of the minister's technical governing powers.

  4. Library Resource

    374/2014. (XII. 31.) Korm. rendelet a r�szar�ny f�ldkiad�s sor�n keletkezett osztatlan k�z�s tulajdon megsz�ntet�s�nek r�szletes szab�lyair�l

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Decree rules in detail the proceedings of elimination of common properties of land created as a result of post-socialist land allocation procedure. The purpose of this Decree is the re-allocation of portions of land and the creation of usable land parcels. These proceedings, in general, requires new surveys, mapping, land valuation, correction of cadastral data and new real estate registration.

    Implements: Act No. II of 1993 on land redistribution and land assignment commissions. (2015-03-11)

  5. Library Resource

    373/2014. (XII. 31.) Korm. rendelet a földhivatalok, valamint a Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet feladatairól, illetékességi területéről, továbbá egyes földhivatali eljárások részletes szabályairól

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Decree establishes that the competent territorial and local authority for land management is the countrywide network system of land offices (county and ditrict offices)and the central authority is the Land Survey and Remote Sensing Institute (FÖMI).

  6. Library Resource

    276/2004. (X. 8.) Korm. rendelet a term�szet v�delm�t szolg�l� egyes t�mogat�sokra, valamint k�rtalan�t�sra vonatkoz� r�szletes szab�lyokr�l

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    The scope of application of this Decree includes the granting of state subsidy for nature conservation purposes and the compensation for the restriction or prohibition of farming and in case the production structure must be significantly changed.

    Implements: Law No. LIII of 1996 on Nature Conservation. (2010-06-20)

  7. Library Resource

    2012. �vi C. t�rv�ny a B�ntető T�rv�nyk�nyvről

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    Article 349 of the Penal Code addresses the illegal acquisition of property and use rights of agricultural and silvicultural land. Persons eluding legal restrictions or prohibitions may be punished with one to five years of imprisonment.

  8. Library Resource

    2013. évi CCXII. törvény a mező- és erdőgazdasági földek forgalmáról szóló 2013. évi CXXII. törvénnyel összefüggő egyes rendelkezésekről és átmeneti szabályokról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    This Act is composed of 20 chapters and it is divided into 148 articles.

  9. Library Resource

    57/2014. (IV. 30.) VM rendelet az átlagos állatsűrűség megállapításának szabályairól

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    Article 1 of the Decree provides the definition of animal density to be used for the purposes of this Decree. For the calculation of animal density, livestock units shown in Annex 1 shall be used. Articles 2 and 3 contains special rules regarding right of pre-emption and pre-lease as defined in the Act on agricultural and forestry land trade.

  10. Library Resource

    2014. évi VII. Törvény a termőföld tulajdonjogának megszerzését vagy használatát korlátozó jogszabályi rendelkezések kijátszására irányuló jogügyletek feltárásáról és megakadályozásáról

    Hungría, Europa oriental, Europa

    The purpose of this Act is to discover legal transactions concluded in the past and intended to elude resctrictive legal provisons concerning the aquisition of property and use of agricultural land, to prevent legal effects related to such transactions and to put an end to the illigal status.

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