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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 68.
  1. Library Resource

    Besluit van 14 juni 2006, houdende regels inzake de kwaliteit van werkzaamheden in het bodembeheer en de integriteit van degenen die deze werkzaamheden uitvoeren (Besluit uitvoeringskwaliteit bodembeheer).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree contains rules relative to the quality of works in the field of soil management and conservation and the professional integrity of the persons that carry out such works. The aim of the Decree is to streamline and improve previous legislation, to strengthen the decision-making capacity of local authorities in the field of soil management and conservation and to secure legality and improve the quality of professionals in this field.

  2. Library Resource

    Besluit van 9 november 2005, houdende regels ter uitvoering van de Meststoffenwet (Uitvoeringsbesluit Meststoffenwet).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree implements provisions of the Fertilizing Substances Act in relation with indication of various types of soil, trading in fertilizing rights, rules for the use of fertilizer and the registration of basic land units, storage capacity for animal manure, administrative obligations of agricultural enterprises, of intermediaries and of supply and client enterprises, transport of fertilizing substances, rules regarding the assessment of quantity produced and various other matters. (79 articles divided into 11 Chapters).

  3. Library Resource

    Besluit van 15 juni 2005, houdende regels met betrekking tot de minimumopslagcapaciteit voor dierlijke meststoffen (Besluit opslagcapaciteit dierlijke meststoffen Meststoffenwet).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Regulation, made under the Fertilizing Substances Act, makes provision for the implementation of article 5, forth comma of the Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. It lays down minimum norms for the size of storage capacity for fertilizing substances of animal origin.

    Implements: Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. (1991-12-12)

  4. Library Resource

    Besluit landbouw milieubeheer.

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree prescribes ecological sustainability requirements for the establishment and operation of farms that keep cattle for milk and farms that cultivate crops on open ground, small livestock farms, children's farms, equine breeding establishments, specified cultivations and organic waste processing establishments. Articles 2 to 4 define the application sphere of the Decree. The environmental standards relating to soil, water, energy, noise, odours, air, etc. are laid down in the Schedule to this Decree.

  5. Library Resource

    Besluit van 1 februari 2006, houdende regels voor uniforme saneringen (Besluit uniforme saneringen).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree provides, in the framework of the coordination of the new soil restructuring policy, for rules relative to "uniform restructuring" in the sense of section 39f of the Soil Protection Act. The Decree prescribes how this kind of restructuring shall be carried out and requires the restructuring to be reported to the competent authority. The operator shall also carry out an a valuation report after completion of the restructuring.

    Implements: Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). (2010-07-19)

  6. Library Resource

    Besluit van 25 januari 2006, houdende wijziging van het Kadasterbesluit, de Maatregel teboekgestelde schepen 1992, de Maatregel te boek gestelde luchtvaartuigen 1996 en het Arbeidstijdenbesluit vervoer (wijziging in verband met de inwerkingtreding...

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree amends the Cadastre Decree and some other Decrees in relation to the entry into force of the Act No. 410 of 2003 to amend Cadastre Act and the Cadastre Organisation Act (adjustment of purposes and duties of Cadastre Service and other public registries), the revised Cadastre Act of 2005 and other legislation relative to ships and aircrafts. The amendments concern the new organization of the Cadastre.

    Amends: Cadastre Decree (No. 571 of 1991). (1991-11-16)

  7. Library Resource

    Besluit van 15 december 2005, houdende uitvoering van financiële bepalingen van de Wet bodembescherming ter zake van sanering van de bodem (Besluit financiële bepalingen bodemsanering).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Decree implements provisions of the Soil Protection Act in relation to financial arrangements for soil restructuring projects of public authorities and subsidies to "third parties", i.e. an owner or heritage leaseholder of industrial premises and the financial aspects of soil restructuring.

  8. Library Resource

    Besluit van 14 december 2005, houdende overdracht van de zorg voor de planbureaufunctie voor milieu en natuur, het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau en het beheer daarvan.

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    The supervision of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Office and the task of environmental planning is assigned by this Decree to the Minister of Housing, Town and Country and the Environment.

  9. Library Resource

    Besluit van 8 december 2005, houdende regels ter beperking van de ammoniakemissie uit huisvestingssystemen van veehouderijen (Besluit ammoniakemissie huisvesting veehouderij).

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    The scope of this Decree is to implement provisions of the Act containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector so as to reduce negative effects caused by emission of ammoniac produced by agricultural enterprises. The Decree prescribes maximum emission values for various types of animal keeping. If animals, for which a maximum emission value is indicated in the Schedule, are kept, no animal keeping system shall be used with an emission factor higher than the value indicated in the Schedule.

  10. Library Resource

    Wet van 17 februari 2007, houdende wijziging van de Wet ammoniak en veehouderij.

    Países Bajos, Europa, Europa occidental

    This Act amends the Act containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector in provisions concerning the granting of permissions pursuant to the Environment Protection Act as far as they concern the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises of the livestock sector. These amendments, among other things, appoint the provincial government as the authority to designate vulnerable areas for purposes of granting permissions and set out the criteria for such designation.

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