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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 59.
  1. Library Resource
    Documentos de política y resúmenes
    Marzo, 2016
    Francia, Nigeria, Bélgica, Nepal, Burundi, Alemania, Guatemala, Reino Unido, Sudán del Sur, Sierra Leona, Etiopía, Italia, Níger, Malawi, Suiza, Kenya, Sudáfrica, Finlandia, Uganda, Somalia, Myanmar, Senegal

    Four years since the Voluntary Guidelines were endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security as the global consensus on improving tenure, their principles and processes are inspiring people around the world to take action. With wide ownership by governments, civil society and the private sector, they represent an unbiased framework in which new conversations on tenure are taking place, new skills are being developed, and new policies are being influenced in participatory ways.

  2. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2016
    Nigeria, Mauricio, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Djibouti, Sierra Leona, Malawi, Comoras, Etiopía, Seychelles, Mozambique, Níger, Uganda, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudán del Sur, Chad, Togo

    Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Africa (ARC)
    Meeting symbol/code: ARC/16/INF/16
    Session: Sess. 29

  3. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2012
    Angola, Argelia, Egipto, Bangladesh, Níger, Liechtenstein, Somalia, Namibia, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Ghana, Pakistán, Cabo Verde, Jordania, Liberia, Libia, Viet Nam, República Popular Democrática de Corea, Tanzania, Portugal, Camboya, Etiopía, Paraguay, Arabia Saudita, Líbano, Eslovenia, Burkina Faso, Eslovaquia, Mauritania, Croacia, Chile, China, Saint Kitts y Nevis, Jamaica, Djibouti, Guinea, Finlandia, Uruguay, Tailandia, Seychelles, Nepal, Laos, Yemen, Filipinas, Sudáfrica, Kiribati, Uganda, Siria, Nicaragua, Kazajstán, Niue, Dominica, Benin, Nigeria, Bélgica, Togo, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Reino Unido, Malawi, Costa Rica, Camerún, Marruecos, Lesotho, Tokelau, Turkmenistán, Trinidad y Tabago, Países Bajos, Iraq, Chad, Georgia, Montenegro, Mongolia, Islas Marshall, Belice, Afganistán, Burundi, Belarús, Granada, Grecia, Andorra, Rwanda, Tayikistán, Haití, México, Santa Lucía, India, Letonia, Bhután, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Malasia, Noruega, República Checa, Antigua y Barbuda, Fiji, Honduras, Mauricio, República Dominicana, Luxemburgo, Israel, San Marino, Perú, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Macedonia del Norte, Suriname, Congo, Islandia, Islas Cook, Comoras, Colombia, Botswana, Nauru, Moldavia, Santo Tomé y Príncipe, Madagascar, Ecuador, Senegal, Maldivas, Serbia, Francia, Lituania, Mozambique, Zambia, Samoa, Santa Sede, Guatemala, Dinamarca, Alemania, Australia, Austria, Venezuela, Irán, Palau, Kenya, Turquía, Albania, Omán, Tuvalu, Myanmar, Brunei Darussalam, Túnez, Rusia, Barbados, Brasil, Canadá, Guinea Ecuatorial, Estados Unidos de América, Qatar, Suecia, Ucrania, Guinea-Bissau, Esuatini, Tonga, Côte d'Ivoire, República de Corea, Guyana, Suiza, Chipre, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Singapur, Azerbaiyán, Uzbekistán, República Centroafricana, Polonia, Kuwait, Gambia, Eritrea, Gabón, Estonia, España, Islas Feroe, El Salvador, Malí, Irlanda, Malta, Sudán del Sur, Sierra Leona, Panamá, Bahamas, Islas Salomón, Nueva Zelandia, Mónaco, Italia, República Democrática del Congo, Japón, Kirguistán, Armenia, Micronesia, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Argentina, Sudán, Bahrein, Hungría, Papua Nueva Guinea, Cuba, Américas, América Septentrional, Europa, Asia, África, Global, Oceanía

    《准则》是第一份通过政府间磋商谈判制定的 有关权属及其治理的全球性综合文书。 《准则》列出有关负责任治理的原则和国际公认标准, 对土地、渔业及森林资源开展利用和管理。 《准则》用以指导下列工作:改进权属权利治理的政策、法律和组织框 架;提高权属体系的透明度并强化管理;加强与权属及其治理有关的 公共机构、私营企业、民间社会组织以及人员的能力和行动。 《准则》把权属治理置于国家粮食安全范畴内,旨在促进逐步实现充足 食物权、消除贫困、保护环境以及可持续社会经济发展。

  4. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2016
    Kenya, Mauritania, Gambia, Malí, Somalia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leona, Etiopía, Níger, África

    Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
    Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/10
    Session: Sess. 20

  5. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 1996
    Angola, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Rwanda, Malí, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Francia, Ghana, Congo, Sierra Leona, Malawi, Níger, Mozambique, Uganda, Madagascar, Togo, Botswana, Gabón, Kenya

    La principale thèse de cet ouvrage est la structure des filières de commercialisation des vivres en Afrique subsaharienne qui, en fait, ne dépend que de deux facteurs, à savoir les caractéristiques de l’aliment en question et le niveau de développement du pays. Dans les pays africains, comme partout dans le monde, un système de commercialisation des produits vivriers comprend un circuit informel et un circuit formel. L’importance de chacun de ces deux circuits diffère généralement selon le niveau de développement économique du pays.

  6. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2003
    Angola, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Ghana, Malí, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Esuatini, Canadá, Congo, Djibouti, Sierra Leona, Malawi, Níger, Rwanda, Lesotho, Madagascar, Togo, Botswana, Gabón, Kenya, África
  7. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2000
    Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Sierra Leona, Malí, Níger, Ghana, África

    This report comments on the situation of forest products in Niger. The first part of the report analyses the current uses and importance of forest products in the country followed by a special review on wood production and its uses. The later part looks into the collection, analysis and dissemination process and evaluates the methodologies used during the process. The most important products are also looked into in detail followed by some suggestions on how the overall process could be improved.

  8. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2002
    Angola, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Malí, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Esuatini, Ghana, Congo, Sierra Leona, Malawi, Níger, Rwanda, Lesotho, Madagascar, Botswana, Togo, Kenya

    Meeting symbol/code: ARC 02 2

  9. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 1980
    Benin, Nigeria, Zambia, Malí, Ghana, Congo, Sierra Leona, Níger, Colombia, Kenya, Liberia, Japón, Camerún, Chad, Senegal, Sudán, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, África

    Policy makers as well as scientists have started to acquire an honest appreciation of the possibilities of reducing the wastage of materials which could be profitably utilized for improving or maintaining soil productivity. In addition, the great opportunities offered by making more efficient use of the potentials of biological nitrogen fixation in farming systems are now fully recognized. A number of recommendations and suggested guidelines were made by the various Working Groups during the two-week Workshop.

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