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Showing items 28 through 36 of 73422.Judy Adoko, Executive Director at the Land and Equity Movement (LEMU, Uganda) sent us a set of documents as a contribution for the on-line discussion "
On 23rd of January the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has launched a new position paper on large scale investment in land and its implication on development policies. Objective of the position paper is to reflect the recent dynamics.
Initiative conjointe d'Inter-réseaux et SOS Faim, les Bulletins de synthèse Souveraineté alimentaire visent à produire une synthèse sur un thème lié à la souveraineté alimentaire, à partir d’une sélection de quelques références jugées particulièrement intéressantes.
This paper on agroecology and women's empowerment in Brazil includes a long section on "The Right to Land and Natural Resources in Brazil" from a feminist perspective.
The document provides a comprehensive study on past and current land management, including an overview of legislation on pasture access and management, and pratical examples of pasture management in practice.
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