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Showing items 46 through 54 of 73565.Cette loi porte création, structure, attributions, organisation administrative et financière de l’Office de la topographie et de la cartographie, chargé d'exécuter et de contrôler les travaux techniques d'immatriculation de la prorpiété foncière et du cadastre.
The Act prescribes that rights over land and water which have been actually enjoyed for a period for not less than 20 years without interruption and which can be lawfully claimed under common law, will be, subject to conditions as established by this Act, be deemed to be "absolute and indefeasibl
The Act consists of 78 sections, divided into 15 Chapters.(A) Policy Framework. It is the stated policy of the state to see to the welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers, and to establish the owner-cultivatorship of economic-size farms as the basis of Philippine agriculture.
The text consists of 21 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Financial assistance (II); National Soil Conservation Program Fund (III); Soil Conservation Advisory Committee (IV); Miscellaneous (V).
The text of the Code, consisting of 153 articles arranged under 8 titles, is given in the schedule. Article 2 lists twenty-two items in respect of which registration is obligatory.
El citado artículo se refiere al plazo de venta de los bienes que le fueren transferidos a un banco en pago de obligaciones a su favor, o que le fueren adjudicados en remates judiciales.
Cette loi fixe le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles. L'Etat est propriétaire, mais la loi consent aux collectifs agricoles un droit de jouissance cessible et perpétuel des terres. La loi décrit la nature et la composition des collectifs.
This Law focuses on the reorganization of landownership subject to agricultural land projects. It provides for ways to compensate landowners for expropriation and gives indications concerning the recording of land.
The Regional Counsel for Agriculture and Forestry shall be in charge of the drafting of a general plan concerning the interventions to be undertaken in the field of soil conservation, protection of the environmental balance in forests as well as nature preservation.
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