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Showing items 55 through 63 of 73429.The structure of this review is as follows: the first section discusses how contract farming is defined for the purposes of this review and briefly describes the history and extent of contract farming globally.
Dear Sir/ Madam
Please see my blog published on website of Responding to Climate Change (RTCC);
Desertification action not possible until fair land management addressed
25 April 2012
I invite you to read this blog post by Amanda Richardson, Landesa.
Last Friday 11 of May was an important day for millions of poor rural people and small scale farmers whose rights of access to natural resources were recognized for the first time ever.
The Land Watch Asia campaign seeks to enhance access to and control of land through policy dialogue, capacity building, information sharing, and networking. Seven national campaign updates highlight the major interventions and achievements of the various campaigns from 2010 to 2011 in Bangla
ANGOC’s latest Lok Niti journal, tackles current perspectives and initiatives on the “old” issues of poverty, food security and sustainable development. It features an analysis from several Asian countries on the challenges faced by small food producers, the search for a framework for sustainabl
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