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Showing items 73 through 81 of 73561.The UNICEF-expanded model for nutrition is used to analyze the circumstances of care in urban environments.
South Asia (SA), including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan, is one of the most populous regions in the world. Agriculture is the backbone of the economies of SA nations and is the main source of livelihood for many rural poor households.
Global climate change poses great risks to poor people whose livelihoods depend directly on the use of natural resources. Mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change is a high priority on the international agenda.
Agricultural technologies of the "green revolution" type have brought substantial direct benefits to many developing countries. Prominent among these has been increased food output, sometimes even in excess of the increasing food demands of a growing population.
To promote development, there is increasing need for activities and policies which generate and diversify income in rural areas.
Although it is widely recognized that land tenure security is an integral part of agricultural intensification, there is no single clearly defined and universally applicable property rights regime to achieve this end.
This research report examines three questions that are central to IFPRI research: How do property-rights institutions affect efficiency and equity? How are resources allocated within households? Why does this matter from a policy perspective?
In Ethiopian development policies, pastoralist areas have recently attracted more attention. However, much debate and policy advice is still based on assumptions that see a sedentary lifestyle as the desirable development outcome for pastoralist communities.
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