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Community / Land projects / Governance in Environment Frontiers: Brazil

Governance in Environment Frontiers: Brazil


01/10 - 01/13


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The Governance in Environment Frontiers project seeks to improve sustainable environmental resource management of farm producers under the responsible sourcing chain of soy and beef production, in private properties on the Amazon fringe and in the Xingu region in the state of Mato Grosso. The project will also build capacity of local indigenous populations in forest fire management in order to help conserve local biodiversity. Objectives Follow up and compliance verification of “Social-Environmental Compliance Plan –SCP” in selected farms working in the soy and cattle ranching business, Build capacity to agricultural producers on social-environmental best practices; and Train and implement Fire Brigades with indigenous people in the Xingu Indigenous Reserve region. Outcomes Improved natural resource management on 128,000 hectares. 250 people (small and large producers, governmental officers and technicians) trained on good practices and sustainable management in the farming sector. 150 indigenous people fire fighters trained and equipped in fire management techniques.

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