Rejoignez le débat / Webinaires
Le Land Portal organise des discussions dynamiques et bien préparées qui ont un impact durable et permettent d'aller au fond des choses. Cette approche contribue à créer des communautés de pratique, à garantir une diversité de parties prenantes. Afin d'assurer la durabilité des webinaires, ils seront enregistrés et pourront être consultés pendant plusieurs années. Au plaisir de vous voir participer à nos prochains webinaires.
Displaying 71 - 80 of 159
Invisible et exclu : Les risques encourus par les conjoints informels lors des campagnes de formalisation des régimes fonciers et de délivrance des titres de propriété.
La Global Land Alliance (GLA) et la FondationLand Portal vous invitent à participer à ce webinaire le 16 mars 2022 pour en savoir plus sur les risques encourus par les épouses informelles lors des campagnes de formalisation des régimes fonciers.
Invisible and Excluded: Risks to Informal Spouses from Land Tenure Formalization and Titling Campaigns
The Global Land Alliance (GLA) and the Land Portal Foundation invite you to join this webinar on 16 March, 2022 to learn about the risks to informal wives during land tenure formalization campaigns.
Reportage sur les questions environnementales et foncières : L'approche du journalisme de solutions
Le mercredi 9 mars 2022
8h 00 EST / 14h 00 CET / 16h 00 EAT / 18h 30 IST / 21h00 PHT
Durée : 1h 30
Reporting on Environmental and Land Issues: The Solutions Journalism Approach
The Land Portal believes that access to information is crucial for achieving good land governance and securing land rights for landless and vulnerable people. The Solutions Journalism Network is leading a global shift in journalism, focused on what the news misses most often: how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes or failures.
Utilizing Emerging Technology to Streamline Good Land Governance
Open Land Data in India: Taking Stock and Building for the Future
REGISTER HERE: is external)
November 22, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Central European Time / 3:30 - 5:00 PM India Standard Time
Financing Land Rights: Investing in people and nature
This webinar confronted the reality that Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities' land rights are greatly underfunded, despite these territories being key to global environmental health services. According to a 2021 study by Rainforest Foundation Norway, from 2011 to 2020 less than 1% of climate cooperation funds were allocated to forest management or to legalize indigenous territories, and in the past 10 years only 0,017% of all climate cooperation funds mention an indigenous organization in the implementation.
Webinaires: Capturer les connaissances issues de la mise en œuvre des Directives volontaires sur la gouvernance des régimes fonciers (VGGT)
WEBINARS: Capturing Knowledge from the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT)
Over the past nine years, the project on Supporting Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT)has helped countries make political commitments towards the eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, with the explicit outcome of increasing awareness among decision makers, development partners, and society at large regarding access to natural resources.
Energy Frontiers: Renewable energies in Indigenous territories
Although renewable energy has not been inherently positive for Indigenous Peoples, there is a growing recognition among private and government actors that attaining the highest possible standards in respect of Indigenous Peoples’ rights is simply a matter of sound business principles and good practice.
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