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dispute foncière

Conflits fonciers, antagonisme en termes d' accaparement d'espace ou d'appropriation des ressources.

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 Case 2.1 – Special Agricultural Business Lease (SABL)
Articles et Livres
janvier 2019

On July 21, 2011 the then Acting Prime Minister Sam Abal announced the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to investigate 77 land leases which were issued under the Somare government’s Special Agriculture & Business Leases (SABL).

Rapports et recherches
décembre 2018

In this paper I will examine how logging in Papua New Guinea affects the relationship between the state and the local communities on whose lands logging operations take place.

Rapports et recherches
décembre 2018

In this paper I will examine how logging in Papua New Guinea affects the relationship between the state and the local communities on whose lands logging operations take place.

Nigeria: The Harvest Of Death - Three Years Of Bloody Clashes Between Farmers and Herders in Nigeria cover image
Rapports et recherches
décembre 2018

This report documents the violent clashes between members of farmer communities and members of herder communities in parts of Nigeria, particularly in the northern parts of the country, over access to resources: water, land and pasture.

Articles et Livres
novembre 2018

In north-western Kenya, significant oil reserves have been discovered and the first oil trucks have left Turkana County in June 2018. On the east side of Lake Turkana, the largest wind power project on the African continent was completed in mid-2017.

Rural & Urbano
Articles et Livres
novembre 2018
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Amérique du Sud
O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir as dinâmicas de concepção do espaço urbano contemporâneo, visto como espaço social, produzido e reproduzido em conexão com as relações políticas e econômicas presentes no processo de implementação do Parque Dona Lindu no Recife (estudo de caso), discussão essa construída a partir dos discursos de alguns representantes do poder público e da sociedad
Rapports et recherches
novembre 2018

A comunidade sertaneja de Forquilha está localizada entre os rios Paraíba e Balsas, município de Benedito Leite, Estado do Maranhão - Brasil. Formou-se no início do século XX, por causa da fartura de peixes e das terras férteis das margens dos rios, em pleno Cerrado.

Rapports et recherches
octobre 2018

The aim of the study is to investigate the land-related causes of conflict in the Jubaland State of Somalia. The study findings are expected to guide the work of the UN in peace building and land conflicts management and to inform land policy processes and other land governance interventions in Jubaland and Somalia as a whole.

The study has three specific objectives:

Rapports et recherches
septembre 2018

In this paper I will examine how logging in Papua New Guinea affects the relationship between the state and the local communities on whose lands logging operations take place.

Dernières nouvelles

3 février 2024

L'Unité du régime foncier de la FAO lance un appel à contributions pour la publication d'un numéro spécial du Journal du régime foncier de la FAO intitulé

  © HCR/Sanne Biesmans
31 janvier 2022
République démocratique du Congo

Dans l’est de la RDC, où un conflit sans fin a provoqué le déplacement de millions de personnes, le HCR collabore avec des organisations locales pour fournir une aide juridique et psychosociale aux communautés.

Rosette* n’a que 15 ans mais fait preuve d’un grand courage lorsqu’elle évoque le jour où elle a été attaquée en plein jour par un homme armé.

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