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Administration of Estates Act.


This Act concerns the administration of real estate of deceased persons by personal representative of the deceased person or executor by will. The Act also makes provision for the disposal of land subject to this Act and other administration of assets. A testator may appoint, and in default of such express appointment shall be deemed to have appointed, as his or her special executors in regard to settled land, the persons, if any, who are at his or her death the trustees of the settlement thereof, and probate may be granted to such trustees specially limited to the settled land.

Law of Property Act 1925.


This Act contains rules relative to real property and especially the lease and disposal of land.It prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, Creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates operating as conveyances by an estate owner, leasehold, rights on real property in case of infancy, lunacy or death, common ownership, registration of rights, etc.

Administration of Estates Act, 1965.

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons, minors and persons under curatorship and of derelict estates. The Act also places restrictions of the disposal of such estates and provides for registration of documents and the handling of disputed claims. The Minister shall appoint Masters, Deputy Masters and Assistant Masters for purposes of grant of letters of administration.

Administration of Estates Act, 1961 (Cap. 63).

Afrique occidentale

This Act regulates the (grant of) administration of real and personal estates of deceased persons. The Act also places restrictions on the disposal of such estates and provides for registration of documents and the handling of claims. An interest in property which cannot by law be disposed of by testamentary disposition is not property for the purpose of this Act. The President shall appoint a suitable person to be the Administrator-General for the purposes of this Act. Administration of intestate estates may be granted by the court to the Administrator-General.

Wills Act, 1837.


The United Kingdom Act regulates matters of wills and inheritance of estates of deceased persons. A general devise of the testator's lands shall include copyhold and leasehold as well as freehold lands, in the absence of a contrary intention (sect. 26).

Amended by: Wills Amendment Act, 1852. (1852-06-17)

Deeds and Land Registry Act (Cap. 79).


This Act makes provision for the registration of instruments affecting land and other matters relating to registration of titles in land and the proof of instruments. It continues the existing Deeds and Land Registry and defines functions and powers of the Registrar. The Act specifies the Instruments that not need to be registered. An instrument shall not be registered unless it is proved in the manner described and provided for in this Act. The Act also concerns the registration of wills.

Rule against Perpetuities (Application to Future Easements) Act (Cap. 146).


For the avoidance of doubt, this Act declares that the rule against perpetuities shall apply to future easements and such easements shall be void. The Act also stipulates that a covenant not to interfere with the exercise of rights which, if directly granted, would constitute an easement declared void under this Act, shall not be enforceable against a purchaser of land affected thereby.

Estates Tail Barring Act (Cap. 143).


This Act defines full rights and powers of an actual tenant in tail, whether in possession, remainder, contingency or otherwise, to dispose of for an estate in fee simple, absolute, or for any less estate, the lands of which he or she is tenant in tail. A deed by which any disposition is made by a tenant in tail shall be recorded in the Registry of Records, within six months after the execution thereof.

Law of Property Act (Cap. 170).


This Act makes provision for selected matters in relation with property and in particular immovable property.The Act provides rules relative to licensed activities in respect of leases and other effects of legal deeds or proceedings on lease, effects of release from a rentcharge or judgements of parts of hereditaments charged therewith on unreleased parts, executions of deeds, illegal practices with deeds, duties of trustees and executors in respect of existing leases and other matters regarding land under inheritance or intestate.

Town and Country Planning (Blight Provisions) (Wales) Order 2005 (S.I. No. No. 367 (W.33) of 2005).

Europe septentrionale

The blight notice provisions in sections 149 to 171 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enable persons holding certain interests in categories of land, specified in Schedule 13 to the Act (including land affected by certain planning and highway proposals), to require the appropriate authority to acquire their interest in the land.

Registered Land (Amendment) Rules (L.N. No. 152 of 2005).

Afrique orientale

These Rules amend the Registered Land Rules in the Third Schedule. The Third Schedule prescribes forms for purposes of the Registered Land Act. Form R.L. 7 is amended by deleting the attestation clause and substituting therefore a new clause. This form concerns transfer by personal representative of a deceased person to person entitled to become proprietor under a will or on an intestacy and the declaration of the transferees that they hold that interest as proprietors in common undivided shares.

Amends: Registered Land Rules (Cap. 300). (2012)