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Law No. 16/2003 modifying the Decree-Law No. 468/71 on the legal regime of the land related to water pertaining to public domain.

Europe méridionale

This Law modifies the Decree-Law No. 468/71 on the legal regime of the land related to water pertaining to public domain with the aim of introducing specific dispositions related to Autonomous Regions. In particular, it amends articles 3, 4,5,13 and 36 of the aforementioned Decree-Law. The Law is composed of two articles and one Annex. The Annex contains the consolidated version of the Decree-Law No. 468/71 as amended by the Decree-Laws No. 53/74, 89/87 and by the present Law.

Community Services (Aborigines) Act 1984.


This Act concerns Aboriginal communities that live in Queensland and provides them support, administrative services and assistance. It consists of 187 sections and is divided into 15 Parts. Part 2 concerns the administration of the Act, Part 3 describes the powers of intervention of the State in matters related to Aboriginal matters. Part 4 provides for the incorporation of Aboriginal councils and regulates their operation. Part 8 is dedicated to the Aboriginal Coordinating Council and Part 9 to the Aboriginal Industries Board.

Loi n°034-2002/an portant loi d’orientation relative au pastoralisme au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Afrique occidentale

La présente loi fixe les principes et les modalités d’un développement durable, paisible et intégré des activités pastorales, agropastorales et sylvopastorales. Sont concernées par les dispositions de la présente loi, les activités d’élevage des espèces bovine, ovine, caprine, caméline, asine et équine. La loi est formée par 75 articles, repartis en 4 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Exploitation des ressources naturelles aux fins du pastoralisme (II); Infractions, sanctions et procédures (III) et Dispositions finales (IV).

Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984.


The Act provides for the management of the territory of Torres Strait and for the support to communities residing in the area; it consists of 85 sections divided into 11 Parts. The chief executive is the officer responsible for the administration of the Act. Part 3 provides for the creation of island councils, which are body corporate responsible for the management of council areas. Their operation, functions and powers are regulated under the Act.

Native Title Act 1994.


The main objects of this Act are, in accordance with the Commonwealth Native Title Act: to validate past acts invalidated because of the existence of native title; to confirm existing rights to natural resources and access to waterways and public places.

Minerals and Mining Law (Title 23).

Afrique occidentale

This Act makes provision with respect to exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources, underground waters, geothermal deposits and related matters. It also empowers the Minister to regulate radioactive minerals.The Minister of Lands, Mines and Energy shall be the main administrative authority for purposes of this Act. The Act establishes a Minerals Technical Committee and a Mineral Development Fund.The Act sets out various mineral rights and the conditions at which they can be obtained.

Loi n° 91-012 du 25 septembre 1991portant réglementation de la cession de la propriété bâtie et non bâtie.

République centrafricaine
Afrique centrale

La présente loi régit la cession de la propriété bâtie et non bâtie. L’inobservation des dispositions des 8rticles 3, 4 et 5 ci-dessus expose le contrevenant, selon les cas aux sanctions suivantes: annulation du contrat de vente et amende allant de 3 à 30 millions de FCFA.