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Council of Ministers Resolution No. 136/99 approving the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines (POOC).

Europe méridionale

This Council of Ministers Resolution approves the Land use Planning of Coastal zone of Sado-Sines with the purpose of a better exploitation of water and land resources, in compliance with the environmental preservation. It consists of 5 chapters and 3 annexes establishing: General provisions establishing the conditions to be satisfied for occupation, use and transformation of lands (chap. 1); Water resources exploitation and sanitary measures to avoid pollution and to guarantee water quality standards (chap. 2); Classification of protected areas (chap.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 126/99 approving the Urban Planning of Management (Unit 1 - UP 1) from 'Ferragudo' to 'Calvário', within the Municipality of Lagoa.

Europe méridionale

This Council of Ministers Resolution approves the Urban Planning of Management (Unit 1 - UP 1) from 'Ferragudo' to 'Calvário', within the Municipality of Lagoa. It defines the conditions to be satisfied in order to use urban and non urban land, and consists of 3 chapters establishing general provision (chap. 1); zoning (chap. 2); and other provisions (chap. 3). the Annex lists a map with the geographical limits of the aforementioned area.

Ordinance on official survey.

Europe occidentale

The present Ordinance enforces the Decree of official survey of 31 August 1998. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the execution of official land survey. The text consists of 20 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: Marking (I); Official survey (II); Tracking and maintenance (III); Coordination of a spatial, digital database (II); Final provisions (V).

Implemented by: Ordinance on the coordination of a spatial, digital database (Spatial Information Ordinance). (2008-09-23)
Implements: Decree on official survey. (1998-08-31)

Decree on official survey.

Europe occidentale

The present Decree enforces federal legislation on the subject. In particular, article 1 establishes that the federal law determines the content and requirements of cadastral surveying. The text consists of 23 articles divided into 6 Parts as follows: General provisions (I); Marking (II); Official survey (III); Cantonal share of costs (IV); Management, tracking and delivery of data and extracts (V); Transitional and final provisions (VI).

Implemented by: Ordinance on official survey. (1999-03-30)

Decision No. 179998/QD-BTC of the Minister of Finance to issue the Regulation on the land, water surface and sea surface rents applicable to foreign investment forms in Vietnam.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Decision of the Minister of Finance provides for issuing the Regulation on rents applicable to foreign investors who rent land, or water expanses or sea areas in order to conduct their operations (agricultural, infrastructure etc. etc.) Rent Coefficients shall be calculated for urban, non urban land, water( meaning river and lakes) and sea on specific parameters.

Republican Resolution No. 170 of 1996 issuing the Implementing Regulation for Law No. 21 of 1995 on lands and real estate of the State.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 12 Sections divided into 189 articles. Fundaments and criterions for land and real estate valuation, rent value and valuation committees are dealt with Section I. Free disposal over lands and immovable or the symbolic rent is provided for in Section II. Free disposal over designated lands and built immovable is given in Section III. Rules for sale or rent of the State’s agricultural lands (sect. IV). Section V refers to desert lands. Provisions and rules for sale and rent by auction (sect. VI). Rules and provisions for sale instalments (sect. VII).

Resolution No. 27 of 1998 on the appropriation of lands for public use.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 4 articles. The Land No. 5, located in the zone of Alfarrara-Gaza Strip, indicated in the attached Map shall be expropriated by the PNA with the objective to construct buildings in favour of the Ministry of Housing (art. 1). Any individual who has a right or benefit on the abovementioned land shall present a request to the Ministry of Housing within a month indicating his ownership and his rights on this land to obtain compensation (art. 2). All owners of the aforementioned land should abstain from the right of disposal over it (art. 3).

Resolution No. 75 of 1996 on the appropriation of lands for public utility.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 4 articles. Lands located in the zone of Rafah indicated in the attached Map shall be appropriated by the PNA with the objective to creation of an airport (art. 1). Construction or establishing agricultural or industrial projects on the aforementioned lands is prohibited (art. 2). Who has a right or benefit on the abovementioned lands shall present a request to the Ministry of Justice indicating his ownership and his rights on this land to obtain the compensation (art. 3).

Resolution No. 182 of 1995 on the appropriation of land for public utility.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 7 articles. Lands located in the zone of Shawkat Assafy-Rafah indicated in the attached Map shall be expropriated by the PNA with the objective to creation of an airport (art. 1). Construction or establishing agricultural or industrial projects on the aforementioned lands is prohibited (art. 2). Who has a right or benefit on the abovementioned lands shall present a request to the Ministry of Justice indicating his ownership and his rights on this land to obtain the compensation (art. 3).

Resolution No. 221 of 1997 implemeting the general principles and orientations for dispute settlement of the agricultural lands in the southern Provinces.

Asie occidentale

This Resolution is composed of 11 articles. The High Committee for Agricultural Dispute-Settlement established by Cabinet Resolution No. 49 of 1990 shall carry out the implementation of this Resolution (art. 1).

Royal Decree No. 24.9/20.10.1958 on the codification of established provisions as regards the income of local self-governments.

Europe méridionale

The present Decree codifies into one unified text the provisions of Royal Decree No. 19.12.1955/21.1.1956 and Legislative Decrees Nos. 3570/1956 and 3777/1957 regarding the income of local self-governments. Among other provisions, the Decree provides for the management of immovable property of local self-governments and establishes rules on licensing, leasing, rights of use and management of communal or municipal slaughterhouses (arts. 3-4), grasslands and pasture lands (arts. 5-11) and medicinal waters (art. 12).