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structure agraire

The complex of relationships involving land tenure, production, supporting services and rural institutions. Source: UNBIS Thesaurus, 2009

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Documents de politique et mémoires
juin 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization (PAICODEO), PINGOs Forum, Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA), the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) and journalists from ITV, Star TV, Channel 10 and Mwananchi newspaper have conducted a fact finding mission concerning the forced evictions of pastoralists in Kilombero and Ulanga districts in Morogoro region in Tanzania.

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Documents de politique et mémoires
juin 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Government has come together with the private sector and donor community to develop sustainable, profitable agribusinesses across the high-potential Southern region of Tanzania. This region is a key focus for efforts to improve the operating environment for investments in agriculture.

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Documents de politique et mémoires
juin 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (“SAGCOT”) has been established as a public private partnership with the objective to enhance Tanzania’s food security and accelerate agricultural transformation. The mandate of the partnership is to achieve these objectives by catalyzing responsible private sector led agricultural development.

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Documents de politique et mémoires
mai 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Tanzania has a long history of sugar cane production and it has now a prioritized national policy to attract foreign investments into modern and industrial scale sugar cane production. Between 2001 and 2010, the production of sugar in Tanzania increased from 130,000 Mt pa to 280,000 Mt pa.

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Rapports et recherches
mars 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

Pastoralists in Tanzania are suffering from many human rights violations, including forced evictions from their lands. This report gives a comprehensive analysis of the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in Tanzania, and documents cases of human rights violations against Maasai pastoralists during 2011. 

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Documents de politique et mémoires
mars 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

The founding document of SAGCOT, the Investment Blueprint, was developed by the founding partners encompassing government, donor partners, farmers, and the private sector. The SAGCOT Investment Blueprint details the objectives of SAGCOT and how these will be achieved. This is a long-term initiative, which will take 20 years to fully implement.

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Documents de politique et mémoires
février 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

FAO is working with national partners to set up a sustainable system for monitoring the impact of food and agricultural policies for the first time in Africa. Through MAFAP, FAO has developed common indicators for monitoring key commodities and public expenditure in agriculture.

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Rapports et recherches
février 2013
République-Unie de Tanzanie

The purpose of this study was to assess the bio-energy sector in Tanzania and to critically inquire the threats, benefits and opportunities to smallscale producers and sustainable environment management. Based on the terms of references this study focused on areas where land is earmarked or already in use for production of biofuels in Tanzania for both large and small-scale firms.

Rapports et recherches
janvier 2013

Os preços e mercados são elementos importantes nas decisões dos produtores, tanto na lógica da maximização do lucro como na da auto-suficiência alimentar, considerando os custos de oportunidade comparativamente com outros bens, com a utilização da mão-de-obra familiar na exploração agrícola e o assalariamento e com alocação de outros factores de produção.

Dernières nouvelles

15 octobre 2021

Rome, le 15 octobre 2021 – Il faut augmenter considérablement les investissements destinés à combler le fossé entre les femmes et les hommes si l’on veut donner aux populations rurales les moyens de faire face aux effets des changements climatiques, a mis en garde Gilbert F. Houngbo, Président du Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA).

2 juin 2021

Rome, le 2 juin 2021 – Le 28 mai 2021, le Président de la République du Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, a lancé un projet visant à réduire la pauvreté et à accroître la production et les revenus grâce à l’aquaculture au profit de plus de 88 000 petits producteurs piscicoles dans les zones rurales. Le projet a été inauguré à Chitima, dans la province de Tete.

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