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Acuerdo Nº 4-2016 ─ Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 768-2014, Reglamento de la Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura.

Mars, 2016

El presente Acuerdo modifica el Reglamento de la Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura, respecto a las modalidades del proceso de Licenciamiento Ambiental, en aspectos relacionados con la Unidad Ejecutora del Proyecto Conjunto de Regularización de Fincas Camaroneras, cuyo personal técnico funcionará en las instalaciones físicas de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG), y cuya finalidad es permitir a las fincas que se dedican al cultivo del camarón operando en áreas nacionales, regularizar su situación legal y obtener por primera vez o en renovación su concesión o contrato de a

Regional Law No. 1297-ZZK amending Regional Law No. 152-ZZK “On regulation of land relations”.

Mars, 2016
Fédération de Russie

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall have the following plenary powers: (a) elaboration, validation and realization of regional state programs related to land tenure and land protection; (b) validation of public land soil rehabilitation projects; (c) governance of public land; (d) expropriation of land for public needs; (e) application of public servitude to land plots; and (f) decision-making related to purchase of land plots”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 152-ZZK “On regulation of land relations”. (2009-03-18)

Decree-Law No. 14/2016 approving the Regulation on the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M).

Février, 2016

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters and three Annexes, regulates the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M). This Plans are territorial management tools containing a set of actions for the coastal zone management, which interventions are planned for the terrestrial areas, referred as 'onshore', and areas called as 'adjacent sea areas'.

A proposition to solve the land cadaster system in Brazil: the role of CNIR and a new institutionalization

Conference Papers & Reports
Février, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Brazil has, on the one hand, strong institutions in various areas, improved social situation and, on the other, the rural land situation is still very precarious, with basic unresolved questions, such as for example, knowledge of what is public and private land, due to the absence of cadaster. The legislation moved forward in an attempt to link the cadasters of INCRA, the Internal Revenue Service, with information from the Registry of Real Estate with the enactment of Law No. 10,267 / 2001, creating the National Register of Rural Properties – CNIR.

Lands, Surveys and Environment Amendment Act 2016 (No. 3 of 2016).

Février, 2016

This Act amends the Lands, Surveys and Environment Act 1989 with respect to grant a lease of government land and allotment of such land without competition. It also concerns consent by the Land Board to dealings with leases. The Board shall not consent to a mortgage except for the erection of a dwelling on the land or to increase the production thereof or for the purchase of any unit estate under the Unit Titles Act 2009. Consequential amendments are made to section 23 of the Survey Act 2010.

Amends: Lands, Surveys and Environment Act 1989. (2015-11-05)

Regional Law 866-OZ amending Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Février, 2016
Fédération de Russie

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Leaseholder of a plot of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal ownership shall have the right of purchase of such plot of land in ownership on condition of proper use of such plot of land upon expiry of three-year period from the date of conclusion of lease contract set forth as percentage related to cadastre value and depending upon expiry of lease periods”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”. (2015-03-18)

LDGI Survey

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Janvier, 2016

Public land is a resource that should be effectively managed in the public’s best interest in line with provisions of the Constitutions of Kenya and the Land Act. The management framework governing land use and development decisions on public land should ensure protection and sustainable management of the land. Despite these provisions in law, recent media reports point toresurgenceof public land grab. The Land Development and Governance Institute commissioned this research study to establish the status of the public land management in Kenya.

Decreto Supremo Nº 002-2016-VIVIENDA ─ Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 30327, Ley de Promoción de las Inversiones para el Crecimiento Económico y el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Janvier, 2016

El presente Decreto Supremo reglamenta parcialmente la Ley que tiene por finalidad promocionar las inversiones para el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo sostenible, estableciendo la simplificación e integración de permisos y procedimientos, así como medidas de promoción de la inversión.

Ordonnance ministérielle n°770/035 du 13/01/2016 portant modalités d'inventaire des biens immeubles Domaniaux.

Janvier, 2016

La présente ordonnance définit les modalités d'inventaire des biens immeubles de l’Etat, des Communes et des autres personnes publiques; et s’applique à toutes les opérations d'inventaire des biens immeubles domaniaux quelle que soit la personne publique initiatrice. Par ailleurs, elle détermine les principes directeurs.