Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 13.
  1. Library Resource
    novembre, 1992

    This Decree provides that municipalities shall create a cadastre registering all their immovable properties and keep it updated. The content of cadastre is also addressed.

    Implements: Act XXXIII of 1991 on the transfer of ownership of certain state owned assets to local governments. (2014-07-15)

  2. Library Resource
    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    The Land Parcel Identification System is the national identification system of exclusive state property, to be used in administrative procedures of area payments.

    Implements: Act No. XVII of 2007 on certain issues of procedures in relation to support for agricultural, rural development and fisheries and to other measures. (2015-07-03)
    Repeals: Decree No. 115 of 2003 (XI. 13.) FVM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning the Land Parcel Identification System. (2012-05-09)

  3. Library Resource
    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    Contracts affecting property rights of land and for the registration of these contracts in the cadastre must be laid down by a legal counsel on sheets of paper bearing the requisites foreseen in Article 2. Such contracts shall be registered with the competent district land office and shall be kept in a safe place by the legal counsel.

  4. Library Resource
    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    This Decree establishes that the competent authority for real estate issues is the countrywide network system of land offices (territorial and local offices). They are responsible for registration of legal transactions, cadastral mapping changes and dealing with land and other real estate property-related activities. The Hungarian Land Register is owned and maintained by the Ministry of Rural Development. This Decree establishes also the Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing as the institutional body for land surveying and geo-information.

  5. Library Resource

    373/2014. (XII. 31.) Korm. rendelet a földhivatalok, valamint a Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet feladatairól, illetékességi területéről, továbbá egyes földhivatali eljárások részletes szabályairól

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    This Decree establishes that the competent territorial and local authority for land management is the countrywide network system of land offices (county and ditrict offices)and the central authority is the Land Survey and Remote Sensing Institute (FÖMI).

  6. Library Resource

    2013. évi CCXII. törvény a mező- és erdőgazdasági földek forgalmáról szóló 2013. évi CXXII. törvénnyel összefüggő egyes rendelkezésekről és átmeneti szabályokról

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    This Act is composed of 20 chapters and it is divided into 148 articles.

  7. Library Resource

    2013. évi CLXXIV. törvény a szomszédjogok és a tulajdonjog korlátainak különös szabályairól

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    This Act contains special provisions regarding the rights of neighbouring real estate proprietors. Real servitude and the right of use are provided for as well. For all the issues related to the use of real estates and not covered by this Act, the provisions of the Civil Code shall be applied.

  8. Library Resource

    A vidékfejlesztési miniszter 25/2013. (IV. 16.) VM rendelete az ingatlan-nyilvántartási célú földmérési és térképészeti tevékenység részletes szabályairól

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    This Decree provides that before supplying data for land surveying activity having real estate registration purpose, the congruency between data contained in the uniform real estate registration database must be verified. If the discrepancy exceeds the allowable measure, the competent land office must proceed with the verification of data. Further provisions contains detailed rules concerning types of schematic maps regarding changes, measuring activity, area calculation, marking the land parcel line, periodical on-site inspections, format of supplied data.

  9. Library Resource

    A vidékfejlesztési miniszter 149/2012. (XII. 28.) VM rendelete a járási földhivatalok illetékességi területeinek kijelölésérõl

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    The territorial competence of land offices proceeding as real estate authority is set out in Annex 1 to this Decree.

    Implements: Act CXLI of 1997 on Real Estate Registration. (2014-12-23)
    Implements: Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Development and Protection of the Built Environment. (2015-03-17)

  10. Library Resource

    11/2011. (II. 22.) Korm. rendelet a Nemzeti Földalap vagyonnyilvántartásának szabályairól

    Hongrie, Europe orientale, Europe

    The asset register of state-owned agricultural, forestry and other lands must be kept by the National Land Fund Managing Organization. This Decree determines the kind of information to be included in the register, such as data regarding the location of the property or information regarding rights and obligations on a property.

    Implements: Act No. LXXXVII of 2010 on the National Land Fund. (2013-05-02)

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