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Farming practices and breeding objectives identification of farmer in north shoa and south wello zones of Amhara region

December, 2022

The study aims at assessing the production systems and identifying the traits preferred by farmers in the study areas to establish community-based breeding and sustainable utilization programs. The study was conducted in the four purposively selected districts of North Shoa and South Wello zones of Amhara region (Merehabete, Wereillu, Moretena Jiru and Mojaena Wedera). A total of 120(30 farmers from each district) purposively selected farmers participated in their own flock ranking experiment.

Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India’s cereal production system

December, 2022

In India, the production of rice and wheat account for more than 80% of its total agricultural water use. As farming is highly dependent on water availability, rapidly receding water levels require urgent measures to manage withdrawals. We assess policy instruments that can reduce pressures on water resources, while at the same time limiting adverse impacts on water-intensive cereal production systems, land-use changes and economic welfare.

Changes in soil properties with long-term organic inputs due to distance from homestead and farm characteristics in southern Ethiopian farmlands

December, 2022

Traditional farming systems across much of Sub-Saharan Africa have greater organic inputs near to the homestead than in fields further away. This is likely to produce a fertility gradient that impacts production capacity, and so provides an opportunity to explore impacts of organic amendments on soils. Across 198 farm plots in 69 households in Halaba, Southern Ethiopia, we investigated the influence of different organic input systems on soil properties.

The Breakthrough Agenda Report 2023

December, 2022

The Breakthrough Agenda was launched by 45 world leaders at COP 26 and is a commitment to work together this decade to accelerate innovation and deployment of clean technologies, making them accessible and affordable for all this decade. To kick-start this Agenda, countries endorsed Breakthrough goals to make clean technologies and sustainable practices more affordable, accessible and attractive than their alternatives by 2030 in the power, road transport, steel, hydrogen and agriculture sectors.

The future of global river health monitoring

December, 2022

Rivers are the arteries of human civilisation and culture, providing essential goods and services that underpin water and food security, socio-economic development and climate resilience. They also support an extraordinary diversity of biological life. Human appropriation of land and water together with changes in climate have jointly driven rapid declines in river health and biodiversity worldwide, stimulating calls for an Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater ecosystems.

Report on the Eleventh Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA–XI) and Outcome statement on priority issues to take climate action forward in Africa. on the theme: Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World

December, 2022

The Climate for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) is a joint initiative of the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Development Bank, that is conferred the mandate from the African Union Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.134 (VIII) of the 8th Ordinary Session in 2007, to support climate interventions in African countries. The initiative hosts the annual conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA).

How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Senegal? Climate Security Pathway Analysis

December, 2022

This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Senegal, using an impact pathway analysis. Two main impact pathways are identified: 1) Livelihood and food insecurity in Matam and Tambacounda; 2) Fish scarcity, livelihood insecurity and recruitment by NSAGs.