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This Resolution is composed of 21 articles. Article 1 authorizes the creation of industrial zones outside cities and villages by a resolution issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Municipality Affairs including the site, area and borders which shall enter into force after the approval of the Council of Ministries. According to Decree No. 59 of 1989 and Resolution No. 10 of 1989 the lands destined for the industrial zones are considered Real Estate and can be only rent for the creation of the industrial zones (art. 2). Article 3 defines the following objectives of the use of the rent lands in the industrial zones: (a) practising the industrial activities; (b) to occupy the land for an industry authorized by Law No. 3 of 1975 and Resolution No. 9 of 1979; and (c) practising the commercial activities related to the authorized industries. Article 4 deals with the presentation of the application for the aforementioned activities and the information that should be included in it. Article 5 defines requirements and conditions for the approval to rent the industrial zones lands. Article 6 refers to the priority for rent the lands. The contract is valid for 30 years renewable (art. 7). Article 8 fixes the value of the rent. Articles 9 to 15 concern with the obligations and rights of leaseholders. Article 18 illustrates the cases in which the Minister of Agriculture and Municipality Affairs can turn out the leaseholder.