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  1. Library Resource

    Zakon o izmenama i dopunama Zakona o Poljoprivrednom Zemljištu.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Law amends, adds and cancels various provisions part of the Law on Agricultural Land (Official Gazette 39/2013).Major changes are related to the general issues and denominations, names and competence of local bodies and institutions, concrete land tenure and land concession provisions, public participation and related administrative rules and requirements, methods and standards for the correct and sustainable land use, common pasture issues, cadaster related provisions, provisions regarding the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, state funding and state fund for agricultural develop

  2. Library Resource

    Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o gnojivima i poboljšivačima tla.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Law amends certain provisions of the Law on fertilizers and soil improvers (Official Gazette 163/2003 and 40/2007).Changes are regarding the cancellation of the paragraph 4 of the article 15 (related to the state inspectors and their control activities).

    Amends: Law on Fertilizers and Soil Improvers. (2003-10-01)

  3. Library Resource

    Odluka o donošenju Prostornog plana Parka prirode Medvednica.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation officially establishes the Spatial Plan for the correct, safe and sustainable management of the Croatian national “Medvednica” Nature Park.The plan contained in the study "The Spatial Plan for Medvednica Nature Park" is an integral part of this Regulation.

    Implements: Law declaring the western part of Medvednica as nature Park. (1981-05-29)

  4. Library Resource

    Naputak za primjenu odredbe članka 74. stavka 1. Zakona o poljoprivrednom zemljištu ("Narodne novine", broj 39/2013).

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation provides the correct mode for application of the rules prescribed by article 74, paragraph 1 (requirements aimed to define the procedures for sale and lease of agricultural land on the Croatian territory) the Law on Agricultural Land (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 39/2013).

    Implements: Law on Agricultural Land. (2013-03-22)

  5. Library Resource

    Pravilnik o metodologiji za praćenje stanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation prescribes all rules and official requirements aimed to define the methods to apply when monitoring the status of agricultural land on the territory of the Croatian Republic.The methodology prescribed by this Regulation is intended for: permanent condition monitoring of agricultural land (including all related changes in agricultural land, and soil if physical, chemical and/or biological); and general condition monitoring of agricultural land used by legal or natural persons (including the lease of common pastures and ponds for lease).The Annex is an integral part of this Re

  6. Library Resource

    Pravilnik o zaštiti poljoprivrednog zemljišta od onečišćenja.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    The Regulation provides for all necessary standards and measure aimed to determine the pollutants of the agricultural land (on the territory of the Croatian Republic), their maximum levels in the soil, measures to prevent the pollution of land and control of pollution, in order to protect the land from pollution and degradation and to maintain the state which makes it a favorable habitat for the production of safe food, for the protection of human health, animal and plant life, and offer protection of nature and environment.

  7. Library Resource

    Pravilnik o mjerilima za utvrđivanje osobito vrijednog obradivog (P1) i vrijednog obradivog (P2) poljoprivrednog zemljišta.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation prescribes rules governing the correct valuation (Capability Evaluation) of agricultural land, that can be classified in the category of particularly valuable (P1) or valuable arable agricultural land (P2).Mandatory requirements for a correct evaluation are related to the values of the soil, climate conditions, terrain, and other natural conditions for agricultural production and for the prevision of its potential volume.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

  8. Library Resource

    Popis mineralnih gnojiva upisanih u Upisnik gnojiva (prema trgovačkom imenu i proizvođaču gnojiva).

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation provides for a complete list of fertilizer entered in the Register of fertilizer (according to the trade name and manufacturer of fertilizers) related to the Croatian Republic and updated until August 2013.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

    Implements: Law on Fertilizers and Soil Improvers. (2003-10-01)

  9. Library Resource

    Pravilnik o Akcijskom programu zaštite voda od onečišćenja uzrokovanog nitratima poljoprivrednog podrijetla.

    Croatia, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Regulation provides for the complete text of the the Action Programme for the protection of waters against the pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources on the territory of the Croatian Republic, including all technical and other specific data.Action Programme includes: the goal of adoption, interpretation of terms, application requirements and measures, the conditions and methods of fertilizer application, general principles on the fair use of fertilizers, all measures for the correct storage and disposal of manure, the mandatory period of application, and final provision

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