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  1. Library Resource
    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act amends 10 points of the Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands. In particular, the Act amends provisions concerning rental of land for agricultural purposes through undertakings (art. 10, 12 of the amended Act).

    Amends: Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands. (2003-10-24)

  2. Library Resource
    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act is composed of two parts. The first part establishes: conditions of the application of sewage sludge and bottom sediments into the agricultural land and into the forest land (art. 7); obligations of producers of sewage sludge and producers of bottom sediments (art. 8); obligations of land user (art. 9); competence of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak republic (art. 10); competence of inspection organ (art. 12); sanctions (art. 13). The second part establishes provisions concerning registration of sewage sludge and bottom sediments.

  3. Library Resource

    Zakon ktorym sa meni a dopåna zakon o hnojivach.

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends 25 points of the Fertilizers Act. In particular, the Act establishes conditions of the use of secondary sources of nutrients (art. 3a), and competences of state administration in the area of fertilizers, cultivated substrates and soil conditioners. The appropriate tasks of the Ministry and the Control Institute are specified in art. 13a.

    Amends: Fertilizers Act. (2000-03-17)

  4. Library Resource
    November, 2015

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Fertilizers Act. In particular the amended art.3a defines requirements for secondary source of nutrients and compost, amended art 4 provides details on the register of certified fertilizers and register of mutually recognized fertilizers, and supplemented art. 5a regulates registration of fertilizers marketed in another Member State of the European Union.

  5. Library Resource

    Zákon, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon o ochrane a využívaní poľnohospodárskej pôdy a o zmene zákona o integrovanej prevencii a kontrole znečisťovania životného prostredia a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov a o...

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to the Act on protection and usage of agricultural land. In particular, the present Act amends provisions concerning changing classification of land, specified in art. 7, 8 and 9, and lays doiwn requirements for fast-growing crop plants for the production of woody biomass, provided in supplemented art. 10a.

    Amends: Act on protection and usage of agricultural land and amending the Act on integrated environmental pollution and prevention control and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts. (2004-03-10)

  6. Library Resource

    Zákon, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon o ochrane a využívaní poľnohospodárskej pôdy a o zmene zákona o integrovanej prevencii a kontrole znečisťovania životného prostredia a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým...

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Act on protection and usage of agricultural land. In particular the present Act amends principles of the protection of agricultural land in the non-agricultural use originally specified in art. 12 of the amended Act. Agricultural land may be used for construction and other non-agricultural purposes only if necessary and justified.

  7. Library Resource
    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act aims at the prevention of floods and lays down: (a) measures to prevent floods and obligations for the assessment and management of flood risks in order to reduce the adverse effect of flooding on human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activitiesl (b) planning, organization and management of flood protection; (c) rights and obligations of government bodies, bodies of flood protection, territorial units and municipalities; (d) rights and obligations of legal persons, natural persons to prevent floods; (e) liability for vilolation of the obligations established

  8. Library Resource

    Zakon o ochrane a vyuzivani polnohospodarskej pody a o zmene zakona o integrovanej prevencii a kontrole znecistovania zivotneho prostredia a o zmene a doplneni niektorych zakonov.

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act is composed of the following Sections: Introductory provisions (sec. 1); Principles of sustainable usage of agricultural land and maintenance of agricultural land and its protection (sec. 2); Changing classification of land (sec. 3); Protection of agricultural land during non-agricultural usage (sec. 4); State administration of agricultural land protection (sec. 5); Offences (sec. 6); Common, provisional and final provisions (sec. 7).

  9. Library Resource

    Zakon o najme polnohospodarskych pozemkov, polnohospodarskeho podniku a lesnych pozemkov a o zmene niektorych zakonov.

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act lays down rules concerning rental of land and enterprises for agricultural production, as well as provisions on rental of forest lands. Contractors must be included in official registers.

    Implemented by: Decree establishing details on land registration. (2008-06-18)
    Implemented by: Decree amending and supplementing the Decree establishing details on land registration. (2009-08-14)
    Amended by: Act amending and supplementing the Act on rental of agricultural lands, agricultural enterprises and forest lands. (2009-09-16)

  10. Library Resource

    Zakon o aplikacii cistiarenskeho kalu a dnovych sedimentov do pody a o doplneni zakona o odpadoch a o zmene a doplneni niektorych zakonov v zneni neskorsich predpisov.

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act is composed of two main parts. The first part establishes: conditions of the application of sewage sludge and bottom sediments into the agricultural land and into the forest land so that their hazardous impact on the properties of soil, plants, water and human and animal health is excluded; obligations of producers and receivers of sewage sludge and bottom sediments; activities of state control concerning the application of sewage sludge and bottom sediments into the agricultural land and on the forest land; sanctions for violating provisions established by this Act.

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