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Showing items 1 through 9 of 73428.In Laikipia the key dynamics centre on absentee land, much of this being land that was divvied out to Kikuyu by Kenyatta after independence. Much of this land (particularly north of the 600mm rainfall band) is not viable for cultivation.
The three day conference held between 16th to 18th June, 2010 at Kenya School of Monetary
Studies was organized by the Department of Physical Planning, which is under the Ministry of
Lands. The conference brought together participants from line Government ministries, State
This concept paper provides a road map for preparing a National Land Use Policy for the Republic of Kenya. The need for a National Land Use Policy cannot be over emphasized. Two important Government policy documents recognize and emphasize the importance of a National Land Use Policy in guiding
An Act of Parliament to provide for the functions, powers, qualifications of, and appointment procedure for members of the National Land Commission established by Article 67 of the Constitution and for connected purposes (DRAFT).
AN ACT of Parliament to give effect to Article 63 of the Constitution; to provide for the allocation, management and administration of community land; to establish Community Land Boards, to define functions and powers of Community Land Boards; to provide for the powers of Count
Details, roles and responsibilities of Ministry of Lands in Kenya, plus details for registration, planning, certification of lands.
This Concept paper is in reality “a comprehensive road map” towards the realization of a National Spatial Plan.
Forests and pastoralism are in a state of crisis in the Borana lowlands in southern Ethiopia. State management has failed to control forest exploitation and past and present development interventions continue to undermine pastoral production systems.
Significant progress has been made over the past decade or so in the development of policy and legislation that support the recognition of customary rights to land, with important legal rulings in Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique, South Sudan, and South Africa.
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