agricultural and rural legislation related Unknown content type | Land Portal

agricultural and rural legislation

agrarian law
Displaying 49 - 60 of 72

American University creates meaningful change in the world. With highly ranked schools and colleges and internationally recognized faculty, AU offers a balance between class time and career-advancing experience in Washington, DC, and beyond. Its students, among the country’s most politically active, distinguish themselves for their service, leadership, and ability to rethink global and domestic challenges and opportunities.



Oxford Brookes University is committed to leading the intellectual, social and economic development of the communities it serves through teaching, research and creativity that achieve the highest standards.


International Journal of Social Science Studies journal encourages and publishes research and studies in the field of Anthropology, Archaeology, Area Studies, Communication Studies, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Cultural and Ethnic Studies, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Management, Philosophy,Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Phuhlisani NPC logo

Phuhlisani NPC (Phuhlisani)

Phuhlisani began as a consultancy started by a group of people who wanted to support emerging farmers who obtained access to land through land reform programmes in South Africa. In 2015, after 12 years in operation as a Closed Corporation, the members of the company decided to convert Phuhlisani to a Non-Profit Company which took place in October 2015.

Phuhlisani NPC provides comprehensive services and support for sustainable land reform and rural development including:


The Canadian Institute of Resources Law (CIRL), a registered charitable organization, is a leading national centre of expertise on energy and environmental policy and law issues relating to Alberta's energy and natural resources. Since its establishment in 1979, the Institute has developed an international reputation for excellence in resources, energy and environmental law, and pursues a three-fold mandate to undertake research, education and publication activities on energy and the environment. 

Founded in 2005, Dejusticia is a Colombia-based research and advocacy organization dedicated to the strengthening of the rule of law and the promotion of social justice and human rights in Colombia and the Global South. We promote positive social change by producing rigorous studies and fact-based policy proposals; carrying out effective advocacy campaigns or litigating in the most impactful forums; and designing and delivering education and capacity-building programs.

A REBIA – Rede Brasileira de Informação Ambiental é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos, independente, sem vínculos partidários ou religiosos, que visa contribuir para a formação e fortalecimento da cidadania socioambiental planetária através da democratização da informação ambiental e da educação ambiental, com uma visão plural e democrática da questão socioambiental e da sustentabilidade, e que se rege por seus Estatutos e pela legislação específica

CyLaw is a legal database by the Cyprus Bar Association.

O Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária, Incra, é uma autarquia federal cuja missão prioritária é executar a reforma agrária e realizar o ordenamento fundiário nacional.

Criado pelo Decreto nº 1.110, de 9 de julho de 1970, atualmente o Incra está implantado em todo o território nacional por meio de 30 superintendências regionais.