geographical information systems related Unknown content type | Land Portal

geographical information systems

An information system for capturing, storing, integrating, analyzing and displaying geospatial data.

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We initiate, design and operate ESG Data Intermediation Services …


  1. “Food Hinterland System” and its nucleus of the distributed Digital Product Passport (dDPP) for food value chains
  2. “Fair Work” and its enforcement policy innovation
  3.  Ontochain’s Babelfish project implementation


Our concepts and services are synergetic with the swelling data-driven ESG policy stream and reflect existing, grown but sometimes transforming multi-level governance constellations.

The Oxpeckers Center for Investigative Environmental Journalism is Africa’s first journalistic investigation unit focusing on environmental issues. The Oxpeckers #MineAlert enables the  tracking and sharing of mining applications and licences and provides analytic reporting on mining and land related issues. The Center combines traditional investigative reporting with data analysis and geo-mapping tools to expose eco-offences and track organised criminal syndicates.

Belgeo est la seule revue scientifique nationale de géographie en Belgique. Au-delà des articles thématiques ou de réflexion, la revue a pour objectif de couvrir les grandes questions géographiques, les problèmes européens et mondiaux ainsi que les problèmes nationaux.  Belgeo permet également la propagation des résultats de recherches menées par des géographes belges, souvent à la jonction des approches anglo-saxonne et latine, et ouvre ses pages aux derniers développements tant en géographie humaine que physique.

Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape

By the decision of the authorities of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy at the University of Agriculture in Krakow of 17 October 2012 a scientific quarterly magazine named Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape (GLL) was created.

The purpose of the quarterly magazine are presentations, discussions and exchange of scientific thoughts in the field of broadly understood planning, shaping and protection of the environment and landscapes; modern geoinformatic techniques, surveying, rural areas development and property management.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

The divine law of Allah is the foundation of knowledge. In line with His Will, UTM strives with total commitment to attain excellence in science, technology and engineering for the well-being and prosperity of mankind.

Hukum Allah adalah dasar kepada ilmu. Sejajar dengan kehendak-Nya, UTM komited secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu demi mencapai kecemerlangan dalam sains, teknologi dan kejuruteraan untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan sejagat.

Geographia Technica

 Geographia Technica is a journal devoted to the publication of all papers on all aspects of the use of technical and quantitative methods in geographical research. It aims at presenting its readers with the latest developments in G.I.S technology, mathematical methods applicable to any field of geography, territorial micro-scalar and laboratory experiments, and the latest developments induced by the measurement techniques to the geographical research.


An alliance of research and non-governmental ecological organizations known as the IFL Mapping Team is constantly improving and updating the Intact Forest Landscapes dataset.

ITC is the University of Twente’s Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

Our mission is to develop capacity, particularly in less developed countries, and to utilize geospatial solutions to deal with national and global problems.

Our vision is that spatial solutions will play an increasingly important role in meeting many of mankind’s complex challenges (often wicked problems), such as climate change, population growth, and related claims for sufficient and secure food, water, energy, health, land and housing provision.

Micro Aerial Projects LLC (MAP) combines geo-spatial technology with drone technology to provide fit for purpose surveying and mapping solutions. With a strong background in geodetic, photogrammetric and cadastral surveying and extensive international experience we are in a good position to anticipate and assess potential in new positioning and mapping technologies. We continuously perform applied research, especially in the use of drones for accurate surveying of assets and land rights.

Norwegian Mapping Authority logo

The Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) is Norway's national mapping agency, dealing with land surveying, geodesy, hydrographic surveying, cadastre and cartography. Its headquarters are in Hønefoss and it is a public agency under the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. NMA was founded in 1773.


Source: Wikipedia (consulted d.d. February 18th, 2020)