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forest law

Forest law comprises the package of laws and regulations governing production and protection of forests, as well as those that regulate the powers of the administration in forests subject to the forest law.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 471
March 2012

Vietnam's forests remain dependent
on public resources, including international development
assistance, for the delivery of public and private services
that include timber production, state forest management,
forest protection and biodiversity conservation, and

March 2012

In 1994, the Government of Cameroon
introduced an array of forest policy reforms, both
regulatory and market-based, to support a more organized,
transparent, and sustainable system for accessing and using
forest resources. This report describes how these reforms

Reports & Research
March 2012

It was March 27th, 2012. There was a huge gathering at the Gram Panchyat office of Turiguda to receive the titles over the forest land on which they are cultivating for generation.The smiling faces were very prominent on that not, for on that day their rights got recognised.

China Forest Policy : Deepening the Transition, Broadening the Relationship cover image
Reports & Research
March 2012

A pattern of forest area loss followed
by a period of reforestation is representative of the forest
transition process. Forest transition has been observed in
many countries and is a feature of the development process.
China reached its inflection point earlier and faster than

Environment Matters at the World Bank, 2009 Annual Review : Banking on Biodiversity cover image
Reports & Research
March 2012

This issue of environment matters
celebrates the 2010 international year of biodiversity and
describes some of the challenges and opportunities in
protecting biodiversity for the benefit of humankind. From
the world's highest mountain ranges to the lowland

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

Panduan ini mengelaborasikan berbagai informasi terkait ekologi dan silvikultur Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd., dengan fokus wilayah di Indonesia. Panduan ini juga mencakup informasi pertumbuhan dan hasil dari beragam sumber pustaka maupun berdasarkan pengukuran tegakan petani di lokasi penelitian kami di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

This manual gathers information on the ecology and silviculture of Swietenia macrophylla King, with a focus on Indonesia. It also includes growth and yield data from published sources, collected from smallholders’ farms in the research sites in South Kalimantan province, and collected previously by the Forestry Research and Development Agency of Indonesia.

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

This manual gathers information on the ecology and silviculture of Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen, with a focus on Indonesia. It also includes growth and yield data from published sources, collected from smallholders’ farms in the research sites in South Kalimantan province, and collected previously by the Forestry Research and Development Agency of Indonesia.

Journal Articles & Books
December 2011

Meningkatnya laju deforestasi secara signifikan selama kurun waktu 1970-an sampai tahun 2000-an berdampak pada semakin tingginya desakan terhadap penegakan hukum kejahatan kehutanan yang lebih efektif dan komprehensif. Umumnya penanganan tindak pidana di bidang kehutanan hanya diproses berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Kehutanan.