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Acta Scientiarum

A revista publica artigos originais em todas as áreas relevantes da Filosofia e das ciências sociais, abordando tanto temas tradicionais quanto emergentes e, também, artigos localizados na interface com outras áreas de conhecimento.

Publié par l’association pour l’anthropologie du changement social et du développement (APAD), Anthropologie & développement prend la suite du Bulletin de l’APAD. La revue promeut des recherches visant à une compréhension des interactions entre les dynamiques de changement social et les politiques et interventions de développement. Son champ porte tant sur l’action publique dans les pays “en développement” ou touchés par des crises humanitaires et politiques, que sur les politiques et pratiques des institutions d’aide.

Asia Survey

The only academic journal of its kind produced in the United States, Asian Survey provides a comprehensive retrospective of contemporary international relations within South, Southeast, and East Asian nations. As the Asian community’s matrix of activities becomes increasingly complex, it is essential to have a sourcebook for sound analysis of current events, governmental policies, socio-economic development, and financial institutions. In Asian Survey you’ll find that sourcebook.

Central Asian Survey

Central Asian Survey is the only established peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal in the world concerned with the history, politics, cultures, religions, and economies of the Central Asian and Caucasian regions. Original articles, review essays, and book reviews published in Central Asian Survey reflect advances made by social sciences and humanities scholars who ground their research in: the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, the North Caucasus, and the South Caucasus; Chinese Xinjiang, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey, as relate to Central Asia.

La CIDH es un órgano principal y autónomo de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) encargado de la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos en el continente americano. Está integrada por siete miembros independientes que se desempeñan en forma personal y tiene su sede en Washington, D.C. Fue creada por la OEA en 1959 y, en forma conjunta con la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH), instalada en 1979, es una institución del Sistema Interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos (SIDH).

Aims & scope

ECOFORUM is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed (peer-reviewed) and open access journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all fields of Economics. The journal is conceived and edited by the members of Management, Business Administration and Tourism Department within the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava.

ISSN  2344 – 2174

Areas of Research
Areas of research include, but are not limited to, the following:

European Research Studies Journal is a refereed publication and is designed to cover a wide variety of topics in the fields of Business and Economics in general including Banking, Financial Services and Internal Controls, Accounting and Finance, Health Economics, Tourism, Maritime Studies, Transport and Logistics, Energy and Environment with reference to European Integration. It aims to act as a guide for new developments and prospects in different aspects of economic thought and business methodologies and it is programmed to come out two to four times a year.

Com o objetivo de proporcionar o debate e a troca de experiência em relação às questões de terra no Brasil e no mundo, o Grupo de Governança de Terras do IE/Unicamp, promove pesquisas, estudos e assessorias no tema, bem como um evento anual sob o mesmo escopo. O Seminário Internacional de Governança de Terras e Desenvolvimento Econômico, em suas diferentes edições, têm proporcionado um espaço plural de discussão, reunindo os principais atores e instituições envolvidos com o tema, promovido importantes debates e discussões sobre tópicos relevantes no âmbito brasileiro e mundial.  

The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) was established by Parliament under the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia Act 1999, Act 597. The Act was gazetted on 9 September 1999. The inaugural meeting of SUHAKAM was held on 24 April 2000.

The act or process of governing, especially the control and administration of public policy in a political unit.