Ministerial Decree No. 126 validating the Regulation on registration, recording and issuing of authorization for aerial survey, geodetic and cartographic works.
внесении изменений в постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 4 июня 2003 года № 530 "Об утверждении Правил регистрации, учета и выдачи разрешений на проведение аэросъемочных, геодезических и картографических работ" Постановление...
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This Ministerial Decree establishes that authorization of aerial survey, geodetic and cartographic works shall be issued by the authorized state institution in the sphere of geodesy and cartography. Registration, recording and issuance of authorization shall be carried out with a view of ensuring national defence and national safety in the process of aerial survey. The application shall be submitted to the issuing authority accompanied by the following documentation: (a) copy of contract with civil aircraft for aerial survey; (b) cartogram of the territory projected for aerial survey; and (c) technical specification for the projected aerial survey.