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Avoiding the Worst Case Scenario:

Conference Papers & Reports
Janeiro, 2017
América Latina e Caribe

This paper examines whether national expropriation and land laws in 30 countries across Asia and Africa put Indigenous Peoples and local communities at risk of expropriation without compensation. In particular, this paper examines whether national laws ensure that communities are eligible for compensation and whether eligibility requirements effectively close the door on communities seeking compensation.

Lands Acquisition (Amendment) Act, 2017 (No. 9 of 2017).

Janeiro, 2017

This Act amends the Lands Acquisition Act in the Long Title and in provisions concerning, among other things, the power of the Minister to acquire land for public utility and relating preliminary investigation and other procedures, (assessment of) appropriate compensation, criteria for assessment of compensation, and the power of court (defined in this Act) to issue an ejectment order in addition to penalties.

Amends: Lands Acquisition Act, 1970 (No. 21 of 1970). (1970-08-24)

Arrêté A/2017/044/MVAT/CAB/SGG du 16 Janvier 2017, portant création, composition et fonctionnement d'une Commission interministérielle d’indemnisation des occupants des emprises du projet de construction de la nouvelle ville de Conakry dans les quartie...

Janeiro, 2017

Le présent arrêté crée une Commission Interministérielle de supervision et de contrôle des paiements d'indemnités dues aux occupants des emprises du Projet de construction de la Nouvelle Ville de Conakry dans les quartiers de Lambanyi,Waréya et Kobayah (Commune de Ratoma). La commission est chargée d'assurer les paiements des indemnités dues aux occupants des emprises du Projet de construction de la Nouvelle Ville de Conakry.

Land-use conflict and socio-economic impacts of infrastructure projects: the case of Diamer Bhasha Dam in Pakistan

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2017

This article examines the conflicts arising from the Diamer Bhasha Dam project in northern Pakistan. Conflicts arising from the impacts of the dam on the local population and territory and steps to resolve some of them are identified. These impacts relate to unfair land acquisition, improper displacement, inadequate compen- sation, resettlement and future livelihoods. The completion of the project depends on the arrangement of project finance, resolution of conflicts among different actors and the consent of all stakeholders.

National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2016

The National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023 is developed in accordance with the the Constitution and 1996 Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. It is aligned to Rectangular Strategy Phase III (RSIII), that reaffirms the RGC’s mission and commitment to sustainable development and poverty reduction responding to the people’s will and changing contexts of national and international developments.

Unlock the lock-in! Balance of rights in relation to betterment and compensation in Poland

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016

Many Polish cities are faced with a dilemma: to enact their local land-use plans and be exposed to the immediate financial consequences of their adoption, or to protect their budgets against these costs and give up control of the development of the cities. There are very broad compensation rights for value decline due to planning regulations and for areas designated in plans for public roads.

Large Scale Land Acquisitions for Investment in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Novembro, 2016

Land acquisitions, either driven by foreign investments or domestic investment needs have continued to polarize opinions. When this research was proposed, it was premised on arguments by scholars Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Helen Markelova, who had analysed agricultural land deals, and argued that there were potentially two schools of thought about foreign acquisitions over agricultural land.

Safeguards for communities during acquisition of land for investment purposes

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2016

Kenya is going through a period of intense transition. The country's main development policy, Vision 2030, is just entering the second Medium Term Plan of Implementation from 2013. The development priorities focus extensively on large scale investments, for industrial, irrigated agriculture, utilization of newly discovered natural resources, and infrastructure development. Land is therefore a central commodity for realization of the sought after socioeconomic transformation.