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Unlocking Land Values for Urban Infrastructure Finance : International Experience--Considerations for Indian Policy

Fevereiro, 2014

Despite strong economic growth,
investment in basic urban infrastructure -- water supply,
wastewater removal and treatment, roads, and other
capital-intensive systems -- has failed to keep pace with
urban growth, leaving a critical urban infrastructure
deficit. At the same time, urban lands in these many
developing countries are among the most expensive in the
world. Much of this land is owned by public authorities.

Passado não resolvido: a histórica falta de regulação na ocupação de terras no Brasil e após 1964

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2014
América do Sul

Verdade repetida insistentemente, todos sabemos que a estrutura fundiária brasileira se mantém concentrada desde sua origem. Unindo a isso o quadro de caos regulatório e legislativo no tocante da terra no Brasil, este estudo se propõe a delinear um padrão histórico de regulação da apropriação territorial até 1964 e analisar o período que se segue daí até a atualidade para mostrar que este mesmo padrão se manteve em essência, além de mostrar que esta manutenção traz consigo efeitos extremamente viciosos.

Territorialisation and marginalisation in the forested landscapes of Orissa, India

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

Internal territorialisation or the formalisation of forest rights has led to increased state ownership in many countries, often ignoring traditional or customary tenure and land use. Because of its roots in a formal government process, the disjuncture between formal rights and local practices may be seen as unproblematic to policymakers, even though it harms the livelihoods of marginalised forest dwellers.

Institutionalization of common land property in Portugal: Tragic trends between “Commons” and “Anticommons”

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

The use and exploitation of natural resources is generally structured by institutions, especially by property institutions. The main objective of this paper is to present a diachronic analysis of the institutionalization of common land property in Portugal. The several types of ownership may be largely explained by common land history. We intend to draw an outline of the emergence, evolution and transition of common land from the late nineteenth century to the present day, using the matrix proposed by Heller.

Property rights and climate change vulnerability in Turkish forest communities: a case study from Seyhan River Basin, Turkey

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

Turkey is expected to experience significant climate change, including increased temperatures and desertification. As these changes affect forestry, agriculture and animal husbandry, they threaten the livelihoods of forest communities across the country. In addition, other, institutional factors such as the property regime can act in tandem with physical stressors to increase communities’ overall vulnerability to climate change.

Wetland management in New Zealand: Are current approaches and policies sustaining wetland ecosystems in agricultural landscapes?

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013
Nova Zelândia

As a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity and to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, New Zealand has international responsibilities to protect and restore wetland ecosystems. The New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy also reflects New Zealand's commitment to help stem the loss of biodiversity worldwide, including wetlands. Wetland loss in New Zealand has been more significant than in most parts of the world, and ecosystems in fertile lowlands have been most severely impacted by agricultural development.

Markets for forestland use rights: A case study in Southern China

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

Although China still holds land in collective and state ownership, land use rights have been largely privatized. While transactions for forestland use rights have taken place for more than two decades, few detailed investigations of the transactions have been conducted. This study investigates 222 households in eight villages of Linan and Anji counties located within Zhejiang Province, and reports details of the transactions, their scope and motivation, and the characteristics of households participating in the market for forestland use rights.

Resolution No 415 of 2013 of Georgian Government on Charter for Determining Level of Fertility of Soil and Charter for Soil Conservation and Fertility Monitoring

Dezembro, 2013

The Resolution regulates fertility and conservation of soil. It consists of two charters: Charter for Determining Level of Fertility of Soil (Annex 1) and Charter for Soil Conservation and Fertility Monitoring (Annex 2).

Housing Policy in Developing Countries : Conjectures and Refutations

Dezembro, 2013

This housing policy in developing
countries, conjectures and refutations article discusses
housing policy in developing economies. It examines recent
research findings in light of earlier arguments as to the
benefits of more market-oriented approaches. It also looks
at whether the recommendations of earlier work have been
refuted or developed in subsequent analyses and policy
measures. In particular, it reviews the empirical analysis

Making Land Work: Case Studies in Collaboration

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2013
United Kingdom

The report utilises four case studies of shared management of different environmental assets that are in private, charitable, local and national public ownership. It identifies some of the benefits of shared management, the success factors that make collaborative approaches work, and the particular role of intermediaries in the process.This work was undertaken as part of the Clore Social Leadership Programme.