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Regulations on Procedure to Sublease Portion of Farming Unit (GN No. 241 of 2013).

Setembro, 2013

These Regulations, made in terms of section 77 read with section 46 of the Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform, concern subletting of a farm unit. They make provision with respect to an application for consent to sublet farming unit and rent, defines size of farming unit to be sublet and the duration of a sublease, prescribe conditions on subletting farming units by sub-lessees and prescribe conditions on grazing livestock.

Fostering the Development of Greenfield Mining-related Transport Infrastructure through Project Financing

Setembro, 2013

The purpose of this study is to serve as
a guide on developing Greenfield transport infrastructure
(rail and port) primarily used to support mining operations
('mining-related infrastructure'), through
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) schemes and on a project
finance basis. The focus is on key financing issues and
considerations, as well as recommendations for governments
and private-sector participants, specifically in the context

Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy

National Policies
Agosto, 2013

The Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy is a national sectoral policy of Vanuatu for the period 2012-2017. Its main objective is to guide land use planning by setting priorities and outlining legislative and institutional settings to enable land use planning that encourages the best current use of Vanuatu’s land resources.The Policy aims to support food security.

Argentina : Water Resources Management Policy Issues and Notes, Volume 3. Thematic Annexes

Agosto, 2013

The study reviews the challenges water
resources management faces, and the opportunities for policy
formulation towards sustainable development in Argentina,
where regardless of prudent public finances management,
water resources management remain disproportionately
backward compared to regional, and international best
practices. Hence, within a frame of reference on the
country's population, institutions, and legal

Décret n°704/PR/MPITPTHTAT du 17 juillet 2013 modifiant et supprimant certaines dispositions du décret n° 257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales.

Julho, 2013

Le présent décret modifie les articles 31 (les attributions de l’Agence nationale de l’urbanisme des travaux topographiques et du cadastre) et 32 (procédure du dossier à la conservation de la propriété foncière et des hypothèques territorialement compétente aux fins de création du titre foncier ou de transcription de l'emphytéose du décret n° 257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales.

Modifie: Décret n°257/PR/MECIT du 19 juin 2012 réglementant les cessions et locations des terres domaniales. (2012-06-19)

Northern Territory Land Corporation Act.

Junho, 2013

This Act, consisting of 18 sections divided into three Parts, establishes the functions of the Corporation as follows: to acquire, by agreement or otherwise, to hold and to dispose of real property, including an estate or interest in real property, in accordance with this Act and it may acquire and hold such property notwithstanding any other law in force in the Territory which would restrict or otherwise limit the capacity of the Corporation to acquire and hold it.

Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan 2013/14 - 2017/18

National Policies
Maio, 2013

The Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan is a national sectoral plan of Uganda for the period 2013/14 - 2017/18. Its main objective is to ensure sustainable land management, orderly development and adequate housing for socio-economic development.The Plan aims to make land use more productive and sustainable.

Order No. 283 of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food validating the Regulation on the procedure of land conservation.

Abril, 2013

This Order defines the organizational principles for the conservation of degraded and low-yielding land whose economic use is environmentally hazardous and economically inefficient, as well as technogenically contaminated land plots, on which it is impossible to obtain ecofriendly products, and the presence of people on these land plots is dangerous for their health.

The Evolving Role of World Bank Urban Shelter Projects : Addressing Land Market and Economy-wide Constraints

Março, 2013

The purpose of this study was to augment
the Bank's research on land markets and investigate key
land market issues in four case study cities in South and
East Asia. From the study results, the consultants have
attempted to determine whether or not certain policy
instruments can be adopted in the respective cities and in
other regions of the world. Ultimately the study, in tracing
the role of various land development policies in these

Rethinking the Form and Function of Cities in Post-Soviet Countries

Janeiro, 2013

Eurasian cities, unique in the global
spatial landscape, were part of the world's largest
experiment in urban development. The challenges they now
face because of their history offer valuable lessons to
urban planners and policymakers across the world from places
that are still urbanizing to those already urbanized. Today,
Eurasian cities must respond to three big changes: the
breakup of the Soviet Union, the return of the market as the