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Regional Law 51-OZ amending Regional Law No. 49-OZ “On delimitation of plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations”.

Europa Oriental

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Legislative Assembly shall establish case of allotment of plots of public land with undelimited ownership to some categories of citizens in private ownership free of charge”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 49-OZ “On delimitation of plenary powers between state bodies in the sphere of land relations”. (2009-06-29)

Regional Law No. 3306-KZ amending Regional Law No. 532-KZ “On regulation of land relations”.

Europa Oriental

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plenary powers of the authorized Regional state institution in the sphere of regulation of land relations shall include establishment of modification of authorized use of land plots pertaining to regional public property that are not covered by urban planning regulations or for which urban planning regulations were not established”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 532-KZ “On regulation of land relations”. (2009-07-23)

National Forest Policy of Montenegro.

National Policies
Europa meridional

The National Forest Policy of Montenegro is a national sectoral policy whose main objectives are: a) to ensure and improve long-term resistance and productivity of forests and other ecosystems; b) to ensure the maintenance of plant and animal species; c) to ensure sustainable forest administration and sustainable implementation of social, economic and environmental forest functions; d) to ensure the contribution of forests to social and economic development of rural areas; e) to ensure long-term development and competitiveness of wood industry.

Decree No. 69/2009/ND-CP additionally providing for land use planning, land prices, land recovery, compensation, support and resettlement.

Sudeste Asiático

This Decree provides for land use planning and plans; land recovery, compensation, support and resettlement in case of land recovery by the State; land prices and land rent rates; order of, and procedures for land recovery, allocation and lease; issuance of certificates of land use rights and ownership of house and other assets attached to land, and land use duration extension; and for land development funds.The Decree specifies the contents of land use planning at the national, provincial, district and commune level.

Decree regarding the allotment of forests for plantation and preservation (No. 186/PM).

Sudeste Asiático

A Decree to promote tree planting, regeneration and protection of forests among people in order to increase and enrich forest areas in Lao PDR. The 28 Articles are divided into 5 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Legitimate Persons to Receive Land Allocations for Plantations (II); Legitimate Allocation of Forest for Management (III); Incentives, Benefits and their Restrictions (IV); Implementation (V). The State allocates land to residents for the establishment and management of plantations in order to reforest and enrich such lands (art. 5).

Regional Law No. 12 amending Regional La No. 10 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”.

Europa Oriental

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plots of land pertaining to public property and municipal land shall be destined to allotment to multi-child families depending upon availability of land plots without edifices and constructions thereon, free of encumbrances, in accordance with land-use planning documentation and rules of land tenure”.

Amends: Regional La No. 10 “On allotment of land plots to multi-child families”. (2011-09-13)

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Plenary powers of the authorized regional state fisheries management institution shall include subsidies for partial coverage of expenditure for purchase and growing of small fry destined for aq...

Europa Oriental

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Request submitted by a citizen for allotment of plot of land for individual housing construction must be accompanied by certificate of permanent residence of the citizen and children thereof on the territory of municipal unit to which the request is forwarded”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 250-KZ “On allotment of plots of land for individual housing construction”. (2013-09-27)

Crown Lands Act (Chapter 53).

América do Norte

This Act concerns the administration of Crown lands, allowing for the granting of Forest Management Licences (or Timber Licences) to a defined series of persons (holders of pulp and paper licences, purchasers of licences at public auctions or by tender, builders and operators of mills for the manufacture of forest products, etc.). Licences may be for all or only certain specified species or products and may have various duration periods. Licencees of one or more timber licences which contain in total more than 100 sq.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 747 - Ley del Régimen Especial del Dominio de la Tierra comprendida en la Reforma Agraria.

El Salvador
América Central

La Ley consta de 8 títulos y 48 artículos. INDICE: Disposiciones preliminares (I); Transferencia de inmuebles y su financiamiento (II); Sistema Asociativo de Participación Real (III); Derechos y obligaciones de los beneficiarios (IV); Disolución, liquidación y cancelación de inscripción de las asociaciones cooperativas (V); Departamento de asociaciones agropecuarias del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (VI); Disposiciones generales (VII).La Ley tiene por objeto propiciar la consolidación de la reforma agraria garantizando la seguridad jurídica de la propiedad de la tierra (art. 1º).