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Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Amendment Act, 2014 (No. 36 of 2014).

África do Sul
África austral

This Act amends the Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 with respect to a wide variety of matters including composition coastal public property, access fees, purposes for which coastal public property is established, reclamation of land by public authorities for state infrastructure and other purposes, the declaration of state-owned land as coastal public property, establishment of coastal management lines for protection purposes, award of coastal use permits on coastal public property and unlawful structures on coastal public property.

Loi nº 2008-13 sur le domaine public.

África Oriental

L’annulation du principe de la présomption de domanialité ainsi que la mise en place de la propriété foncière privée non titrée par la loi n°2005-019 du 17 octobre 2005 fixant les principes régissant les statuts des terres à Madagascar impliquent une révision de l’ordonnance réglementant le domaine public.

Décret portant application de la loi nº 2008-13 sur le domaine public.

África Oriental

Le présent décret fixe les modalités de mise en œuvre de la gestion de ce domaine public de l’Etat, notamment le classement, la notion d’alignement, l’utilisation ainsi que la police et la juridiction compétente.Le domaine public des régions, des communes ou de toute autre collectivité publique dotée de la personnalité morale, visées par l’article premier de la loi sur le domaine public, est géré par ces collectivités dans le cadre de la réglementation générale édictée par ladite loi, le présent décret et les textes organiques de ces collectivités publiques.

An Act to restrict the leases of public agricultural land to the resident citizens of the CNMI and of the U.S., and to similarly restrict the use of publicly owned marine and wetlands areas that come under agricultural, aquacultural, or maricultural de...

Marianas Setentrionais

This Act restricts the use of public lands set aside for agricultural purposes to citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands and US nationals so as to prevent large-scale commercial exploitation of such lands which are scarce.Such lands as are leased or its use is permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Act and shall be developed in accordance with their most appropriate use or uses, i.e. either agricultural, aquacultural, maricultural, or animal husbandry.

Resolución Nº 157/01/SUNARP - Directiva que regula el procedimiento de inscripción de las Comunidades Nativas.

América do Sul

La presente Resolución aprueba la Directiva que precisa la normatividad aplicable y establece normas que regulan el adecuado y uniforme procedimiento de inscripción de las Comunidades Nativas en el correspondiente libro del Registro de Personas Jurídicas.

Implementa: Decreto Ley Nº 22175 - Ley de Comunidades Nativas y de Desarrollo Agrario de la Selva y Ceja de Selva. (1978-05-09)
Revocado por: Resolución Nº 122-2013-SUNARP ─ Directiva que regula la Inscripción de los actos y derechos de las Comunidades Nativas. (2013-05-29)

National Parks and Protected Areas (Amendment) Act, 2015 (No. 1 of 2015).


This Act amends the National Parks and Protected Areas Act, 1975 in section designated national parks (listed in the Schedule to the principal Order) and on powers of the President to amend the Schedule for purposes of designating national parks or altering its boundaries or description. Leases to the State of lands included in a park shall be excluded from the park upon expiry of the lease.

Amends: National Parks and Protected Areas Act, 1975. (1990)

Foreshore and Seabed Endowment Revesting Amendment Act (No. 113 of 1994).

Nova Zelândia

This Act inserts a new section 9A to the principal Act endowing in the Crown all land that is (i) foreshore and seabed within the coastal marine area (within the meaning of the Resource Management Act 1991); or (ii) was foreshore, seabed or both, within the coastal marine area (within the meaning of that Act) on the 1st day of October 1991, and has been reclaimed (whether lawfully or otherwise) on or after that date and which is for the time being vested in the Crown, but not set aside for any public purpose or owned by anybody.

Land Titles General Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2016/108).

América do Norte

The present Regulation is made under the Land Titles Act, 2015. In particular, the Regulation provides for the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Act. Section 2 establishes that the whole of Yukon is constituted as one registration district to be known as the «Yukon Land Registration District». The text consisting of 7 sections deals, inter alia, with the following aspects: Land Titles Office, Review of deputy registrar’s decision, review by judge under the Act, enduring power of attorney, commissioner’s approval, disposal of records, establishment of standards.