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  1. Library Resource
    Junho, 1946

    This basic legislation establishes a legal framework for the management of forests and forest produce, defined as all parts or produce of trees and plants, charcoal (sect. 2). Removal of and dealing in timber are regulated by a permit system (sects. 6-16). Detailed liability provisions concerning individual dealers, companies, intermediaries, etc. are set out in sections 17 and 18.

  2. Library Resource
    Dezembro, 1946

    The Emperor promulgated the constitution following its approval by the Imperial Diet.

  3. Library Resource
    Manuais e Diretrizes
    Novembro, 1946

    SUMILLA : Procedimientos notariales RESUMEN :Esta ley pretende normar quienes pueden ejercer el notariado estableciendo que Ser guatemalteco natural, mayor de edad, del estado seglar, y domiciliado en la República, Haber obtenido el título facultativo, haber registrado en la CSJ el titulo, la firma y sello usual a utilizar, Ser de notoria honradez.

  4. Library Resource
    Legislações e Políticas
    Novembro, 1946

    (Corrected up to the 31st May 1934)

  5. Library Resource
    Relatórios e Pesquisa
    Dezembro, 1946

    In het Zuiden van de Bommeierwaard komen enkele dorpen Voor, die zwaar getroffen werden door het oorlogsgeweld. Bovendien behoort de Bommelerwaard tot de gebieden, waarin zich reeds lang zorgwekkende toestanden voordoen. Bij den noodzakelijken wederopbouw is het standpunt der Regeering, dat er zooveel mogelijk naar gestreefd dient te worden, waar noodig, tegelijkertijd een saneering door te voeren. Vandaar dat in dit gebied begonnen is met de voorbereidende werkzaamheden vöpr een ruilverkaveling.

  6. Library Resource
    Janeiro, 1947
    São Vicente e Granadinas

    This Act sets forth procedures and principles of acquiring any land by the Government for public purposes and abandonment of acquisition. The acquisition of lands for public purposes shall only be made by the declaration of the Governor General. In addition, the Governor General may authorize officers for a preliminary survey or other investigation of the land, for the purchase of the land without waiting for formal procedures, for setting and marking the borders of the acquired land, for negotiating with the land owners, and for gathering information.

  7. Library Resource
    Março, 1946

    The Central Housing and Planning Authority is charged with carrying out of functions under this Act in accordance with section 3. The Authority shall issue rules relative to the preparation and the adoption of town planning schemes, country schemes and supplementary schemes. The Authority may adopt schemes for the whole country, schemes for specified land, schemes proposed by land owners, or schemes proposed by local authorities (sect. 5). These Schemes must be approved by the Governor in Council under section 6. Local authorities affected by a scheme shall be consulted under section 9.

  8. Library Resource
    Outubro, 1946

    This Regulation is enacted according tothe Land Act.The acquisition, creation, transfer, change, or nullification of the land rights as prescribed in Article 4, shall be duly registered. The registration agency shall not cancel any land right that has been duly registered according to the Regulation without a valid court decree for cancellation, unless otherwise provided by the Regulation.

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