CALL FOR PRE-PROPOSALS: SANDEE Autumn 2011 Research Competition | Land Portal
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The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) is a regional network that brings together and strengthens South Asian researchers and institutions interested in the inter-connections between development and the environment. In this call for research proposals, SANDEE will focus on the economics of conservation. About 13% of the world's surface area is "protected" for conservation of natural habitat. Anthropogenic pressures are constantly in contest with conservation and there is an urgent need to understand the trade-offs involved in policy options.

SANDEE invites inter-disciplinary teams of economists and ecologists/field biologists/geographers, etc., to propose research on issues relating to conservation and protected areas. The research could be geographically focused on any one site or be a multi-site study in one or more countries in South Asia. Multi-country proposals should preferably come from a coalition of research partners, but SANDEE may also help shortlisted researchers find partners in other countries. The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is April 7th, 2011. If accepted, this will lead to an invitation to submit a full research proposal.

More information.

Deadline: April 7, 2011

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