EMPLOYMENT: WorldFish Center Senior Gender Specialist | Land Portal
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The WorldFish Center, headquartered on the island of Penang, Malaysia, is a world-class scientific research organization whose mission is to reduce poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture.

The WorldFish Center is accepting applications for the position of Senior Gender Specialist:

The poor who depend upon aquatic agricultural ecosystems live highly gendered lives. They face strong gender disparities in control of assets and decision-making and in the opportunities open to them. The WorldFish Center is committed to understanding these disparities and working with CGIAR, NGO and government partners to help overcome them. To strengthen our work in this area, WorldFish is recruiting a senior scientist to lead our gender team and develop staff capacity. If you believe that you have the science, managerial and leadership skills to fulfill this role, please read below for further details. As Senior Gender Specialist you will report to the Director of Policy, Economics and Social Science and work closely with other senior staff.


Deadline: April 18, 2011

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