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Habitat’s MicroBuild Fund is the first housing-focused microfinance investment vehicle dedicated to helping low-income families. The fund lends to microfinance institutions, which in turn provide small loans to families to build safe, decent and durable homes as their finances allow. The fund has grown rapidly and has provided access to better housing for more than 643,000 people as of September 30, 2018.

Founded in 1982, ENDA Pronat promotes climate resilient and sustainable rural development in Senegal by accompanying local communities, especially women and youth, to gain and maintain control over their lands and resources and use these sustainably for future generations. It does this through a combination of action-research, rural extension and agroecological training with farmers and women’s groups, and public education and policy work through advocacy with local and national authorities.

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). ARS is one of four agencies in USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area. ARS is charged with extending the nation's scientific knowledge and solving agricultural problems through its four national program areas: nutrition, food safety and quality; animal production and protection; natural resources and sustainable agricultural systems; and crop production and protection.

The National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM) is the largest smallholder owned membership organisation in Malawi. It is founded on the principles of collective action and is democratically governed by its members.

 All NASFAM's operations are guided by its vision to be:

 “the leading smallholder-owned business and development organisation in Malawi, producing economic and social benefits for members, their communities and the country”.

with the mission of NASFAM being:

Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) is an umbrella body of farmers and farmer organizations in Malawi which was established in 2003 under the Trustees Incorporation with the aim of creating a conducive policy environment for farmers in Malawi. It is founded on three key operational areas namely; Institutional development, Policy and advocacy, and Agribusiness and market access.

Le Conseil National des ONG de Développement (CNONGD) est un réseau qui a vu le jour en décembre 1990. Il est la manifestation de la volonté d’une série d’organisations de mieux contribuer aux efforts de démocratisation du pays et de développement coordonné des communautés locales pauvres. Il compte actuellement 600 ONG membres, regroupées à travers 11 Conseils Régionaux (CRONGD).

RELUFA works in Cameroon with local communities through Capacity buildings, Conducting Studies and restitution of recommendations to stakeholders, Mobilization of affected local communities and CSOs.

RELUFA has as mission to combat systemic problems generating poverty, hunger and economic, social and environment injustices. This is done through two programs : Extractive Industries, Land and Food Justice


  • Extractive Industries

In this program, RELUFA has identified as objectives:

L’IPAR est un espace de réflexion, de dialogue et de proposition pour des politiques agricoles et rurales concertées au Sénégal et dans la région ouest-africaine. L’initiative a été suscitée par des spécialistes de l’agriculture et du monde rural qui appuyaient déjà les organisations paysannes et qui étaient intéressés par la création d’espaces permanents de réflexion prospective et stratégique.


Proforest is a unique, non-profit group that supports companies, governments and other organisations to implement their commitments to the responsible production and sourcing of agricultural commodities and forest products.

We work through a combination of programmes and consultancy services to provide the most appropriate and up-to-date support to our partners and clients.

INTERCOTON a été créée le 22 novembre 2000 selon les dispositions de la loi n° 60-315 du 21 septembre 1960 et restructurée le 18 décembre 2013 conformément à de  l’Ordonnance n°2011-473 du 21 décembre 2011 relative aux Organisations Interprofessionnelles Agricoles (OIA).

Based in the Netherlands but with a global reach and a world-class reputation, PTC+ is a practical training centre for agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. Each year, we train thousands of students and mid-career professionals from all over the world. We help them acquire the knowledge and skills to tackle the challenges they face. Our courses make it possible for them to implement improvements in production and technology, and to profit from market-oriented agricultural livestock and horticultural prospects.

Buhle Farmers' Academy (BFA) is a nonprofit organisation whose mission is to train new and aspiring farmers from across South Africa to run farming businesses that are both profitable and sustainable and to help alleviate poverty by creating jobs in our own agricultural sector.

Over the years, Buhle has developed a number of best practices that, if replicated effectively, would make a huge difference in the transformation of the agricultural sector of our country on a national level.