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ADC services respond to the needs of business and the community for confidence in the efficient resolution of disputes through best-practice ADR

The Journal of Internal Service is an organization at American University School of International Service. 

The Journal was founded in 1992 under the name Swords and Ploughshares – a name that represented the process by which a nation transforms from a state of war to a civilization of peace. The philosophy of the School of International Service is a milestone in civilization’s journey toward an international community based on mutual understanding and respect, a philosophy that the JIS strives to promote.

El Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica es un establecimiento público del orden nacional, adscrito al Departamento para la Prosperidad Social (DPS), que tiene como objeto la recepción, recuperación, conservación, compilación y análisis de todo el material documental, testimonios orales y los que se obtengan por cualquier otro medio, relativo a las violaciones ocurridas con ocasión del conflicto armado interno colombiano, a través de la realización de investigaciones, actividades museísticas, pedagó

Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting ( is a regional analytical, informational and educational platform for Central Asia. Its mission is to develop expert and journalistic analytics, provide training on new media, and provide analytical support for broad social processes in the countries of the region.

This mission is implemented through the following areas:


Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER )

HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

Approximately $137.86 billion has been appropriated for Afghanistan relief and reconstruction since 2002. These funds are used to build the Afghan National Security Forces, promote good governance, conduct development assistance, and engage in counter-narcotics and anti-corruption efforts.

A Universidade do Pará foi criada pela Lei nº 3.191, de 2 de julho de 1957, sancionada pelo Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, após cinco anos de tramitação legislativa. Congregou as sete faculdades federais, estaduais e privadas existentes em Belém: Medicina, Direito, Farmácia, Engenharia, Odontologia, Filosofia, Ciências e Letras e Ciências Econômicas, Contábeis e Atuariais. 

Kujenga Amani facilitates the exchange of ideas and information between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working on diverse aspects of peacebuilding in Africa. It is a digital forum for conversations about the critical challenges confronting peacebuilding in conflict-affected regions of the continent, as well as exploring the connections between African and global peace.

Belun was established in 2004 to prevent conflict and facilitate community capacity development in Timor-Leste. Belun’s work is grounded in the vision of a society that has the ability, creativity and criticalthinking to strengthen peace for development. Belun has grown to become one of the largest National nongovernment organisations in Timor-Leste and has engaged with over 100 non-government (NGO) and community-based organization (CBO) partners, .

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The Toda Peace Institute mission is to promote a nonviolent, sustainable and peaceful world, by pursuing the following four visions: