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A Fair Share for Women: Toward More Equitable Land Compensation and Resettlement in Tanzania and Mozambique

Reports & Research
февраля, 2018

Tanzania and Mozambique — countries of vast mountain ranges and open stretches of plateaus — now face a growing land problem. As soil degradation, climate change and population growth place enormous strains on the natural resources that sustain millions of people, multinational companies are also gunning for large swaths of land across both countries. Caught between these pressures, many poor, rural communities get displaced or decide to sell their collectively held land.

Compensation for Expropriated Community Farmland in Nigeria:

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2018

In Nigeria, the recurring impoverishment and other negative socioeconomic impacts endured by landholders affected by expropriation are well-documented and call into question the Land Use Act’s (LUA) effectiveness in protecting local land rights. The World Bank’s Land Governance Assessment Framework found that, in Nigeria, “a large number of acquisitions occurs without prompt and adequate compensation, thus leaving those losing land worse off, with no mechanism for independent appeal even though the land is often not utilized for a public purpose”.

Of local people and investors: The dynamics of land rights configuration in Tanzania

Reports & Research
января, 2018

Analyses the configuration of land rights among different users of land and discusses the implementation of Tanzania’s land policy reform. The key rights explored include those of small-scale producers (farmers and pastoralists) and large-scale investors. Explores how the state defines, allocates, protects and compensates for land when it appropriates such rights. Looks at the formal, informal and procedural rights that provide for and protect the rights of small-scale producers and investors, and the compensation offered to those who give up their land for investment.

Settling the land compensation issue is vital for Zimbabwe’s economy

Reports & Research
января, 2018

One of the new government’s major policy priorities has to be to get agriculture moving as a motor of growth. The long-running issue of outstanding compensation payments has meant that international donors and financiers have not engaged with land reform areas, missing out on supporting major development opportunities. People on the resettlement farms are producing significant quantities of food and other agricultural products. Recent figures make it clear how vital they are to Zimbabwe’s struggling economy. So quick resolution of the compensation issue is essential.

Ideologies. Development models and irrigated land tenure: the bagré irrigation project in Burkina faso

Reports & Research
декабря, 2017
Burkina Faso

This paper discusses the history of irrigation development and related land allocation in the Bagré area in the South of Burkina Faso. It specifically analyses current processes at play as part of the recent Bagré Growth Pole Project implemented by the government of Burkina Faso with support of the World Bank. The paper stresses the efforts made to put in place a fair and equitable compensation mechanism for the people being affected by the extension of the irrigated area downstream of the Bagré dam.

Adequate compensation in compulsory acquisition of land in the Albanian Trans Adriatic Pipeline project

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2017

The aim of this paper is to research the process of compulsory acquisition of land and its fixtures in the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline project in Albania from the perspective of the affected persons. The legislation of Albania as well as international principles concerning compulsory acquisition of property was analysed. Examined also was the process of how legal and institutional framework is applied in determining adequate compensation to landowners who are mostly small rural farmers.

Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) (Amendment) Order 2017 (S.I. No. 1309 of 2017).

декабря, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations amend the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 to allow local planning authorities to grant permission in principle for development the main purpose of which is housing development on an application to the authority in accordance with provisions inserted into that Order by this instrument. They also concern (exemption from) environmental impact assessment procedures. The Regulations also make minor amendments to the Statutory Instruments listed in Schedule 2.

Loi n°2017-046 du 14 décembre 2017 fixant le régime juridique de l’immatriculation et de la propriété foncière titrée.

декабря, 2017

La présente loi détermine la gestion des propriétés titrées; les procédures d’immatriculation des immeubles; la procédure de reconstitution des documents fonciers notamment ceux perdus, inexploitables, détériorés, détruits ou déchirés; la procédure de régularisation des terrains à statuts obsolètes; les responsabilités relatives à l’exercice des fonctions des agents des services fonciers; les pénalités diverses en matière foncière; le régime de l’abus de droit de propriété.

Loi n° 1.456 du 12/12/2017 portant Code de l’environnement.

декабря, 2017

La présente loi comprend deux articles. L’art. 1 comporte la Première partie du Code de l’environnement, à savoir les dispositions législatives. L’art. 2 abroge deux lois (Loi n° 834 du 28/12/1967 relative aux bruits troublant la tranquillité publique, Loi n° 954 du 19/04/1964 concernant la lutte contre la pollution de l’air et de l’eau), et maintient l’applicabilité en tant que besoin de leurs textes d’application non contraires au Code (jusqu’à la promulgation des textes d’application du Code).

Law No. XIII-801 “On purchase of agricultural land”.

ноября, 2017

The scope of this Law shall be to prevent speculation in agricultural land and preserve traditional forms of farming; to create conditions for the formation of rational land holdings and land consolidation; and to promote the rational use of agricultural land. It shall not be applicable to agricultural land of subsistence farming, land used for horticulture and gardening, and inherited land and land owned by the way of restoration of legal rights of ownership.

Land (Assessment of Just Compensation) Rules, 2017 (S.I. No. 283 of 2017).

ноября, 2017

These Rules of the National Land Commission implement provisions of the Land Registration Act in respect of the amount of compensation to be awarded for land acquired under the Act. It, among other things, sets out factors to be taken into consideration when assessing compensation. The Commission shall determine an award based on the market value of the land to be acquired.

Implements: Land Act, 2012 (No. 6 of 2012). (2012-04-27)