| Land Portal
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Journal Articles & Books
August 2019
South America

Com 1.121 desapropriações para a construção do mineroduto Minas-Rio e 1,5 mil famílias desapropriadas para a construção do Complexo Portuário do Açu, adicionando o impacto em sistemas aquáticos, com degradação, aumento da demanda, salinização e suspensão do abastecimento público por despejos de minério de ferro, esses grandes empreendimentos produzem efeitos socioambientais deletérios.

Uzbekistan: Country Partnership Strategy (2019-2023)
Reports & Research
May 2019

Uzbekistan has embarked on significant reforms since early 2017, aiming to improve the lives of ordinary citizens, enable business development, and open up to neighbors. The scale of changes is unprecedented. The new government aspires to modernize the country and to move it toward upper middle-income status.

Journal Articles & Books
May 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America
O presente livro é resultado dos debates do I Seminário sobre Estrangeirização de Terras e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, fi nanciado pelo Programa de Apoio a Eventos no País (PAEP) da CAPES e organizado pelo Instituto de Estudos da Ásia da UFPE com o apoio do Grupo de Pesquisa sobre Fome e Relações Internacionais (FOMERI/UFPB) e o Programa de PósGraduação em Direito da UFPE.
Synthesis of agricultural land system change in China over the past 40 years
Peer-reviewed publication
February 2019

In summary, China presents a particularly intriguing case for the study of land system dynamics with its spatial patterns of cropland and crops, crop structure and diversity, land transfer and consolidation, and land use intensity changes against the backdrop of its rapid socio-economic transformation, globalization, and environmental challenges.

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2019

In economics, land has been traditionally assumed to be a fixed production factor, both in terms of quantity supplied and mobility, as opposed to capital and labor, which are usually considered to be mobile factors, at least to some extent.

Indigenous Land Rights and the Marginalization of the Orang Asli in Malaysia
Peer-reviewed publication
January 2019

Although the Orang Asli are the original, indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, they have been largely excluded from the country’s economic growth of recent decades. Rather than protect this marginalized community, state officials and private agencies regularly exploit the Orang Asli and their ancestral lands.

Understanding Land in the Context of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: A Brief History of Land in Economics
Journal Articles & Books
January 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean

In economics, land has been traditionally assumed to be a fixed production factor, both in terms of quantity supplied and mobility, as opposed to capital and labor, which are usually considered to be mobile factors, at least to some extent.

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2018

Increase in use of biomass as renewable source of energy in Europe is tightly linked to the policies aimed at mitigation of climate changes i.e. reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. Both for assessment of the carbon sequestration and emissions as well as for assessment of potential amounts of biomass for renewable energy, information of land cover dynamics are essential.

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2018

Agricultural transport roads play an important role not only from the point of view of individual farm holdings, but also the general development of rural areas.