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Western Asia

This Legislative Decree adds to article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 8 of 1970 on the appropriation of lands for public purposes a new clause as follows: (c) the appropriator has the option to compensate the landowner of the appropriated land with a compensation fee or with another land or both.

Southern Asia

This Act defines rights and duties of parties involved in agreements relating to the right to the use of property in return for remuneration, and provides for arbitration between parties. The Act consists of 9 Chapters divided into 34 sections.Chapter II designates the department under the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement to be the tenancy authority.


Under the Act, “settlement” includes “an instrument or instruments which under this Act or the corresponding previous enactments is or are deemed to be or which together constitute a settlement, and a settlement which is deemed to have been made by any person or to be subsisting for the purposes of this Act”, what constitutes a settlement is defined under section 8.

Northern America

The present Regulation provides for the enactment of the Public Land Act. The Regulation focuses on three key themes: land management, compliance and enforcement, appeals and dispute resolution. The Regulation applies to provincial land managed by Sustainable Resource Development under the Public Lands Act.