Displaying 26 - 27 of 27Aboriginal Lands Act 1995.
This Act, consisting of 44 sections divided into four Parts and completed by five Schedules, aims to promote reconciliation with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community by granting to Aboriginal people certain parcels of land of historic or cultural significance. The Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania is established as a body corporate.
Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992.
Where a person: (a) requires entry to land, other than a highway, for the purpose of carrying out work on other land; and; (b) the land on which he or she requires entry is adjoining or adjacent to the land in respect of which he or she wishes to carry out the work; and (c) he or she does not have the agreement of another person whose agreement to the entry is required -the first-mentioned person may apply to the court for an order authorising access to the subject land on such occasions and during such period as may be specified in the order.